The week in review...

Posted by Pink is God's | 9:47 AM | 2 comments »

I must say that last week flew by. We spent an evening last week over at our friends the Lott's house and that was a blast. It wasn't so much what we did but the fact that I feel like we can really be ourselves around them. You know those people you get around and you just feel at home with. God has blessed us with many friends of this sort. We have needed friends like this coming from California and Kansas where we left many that we love.
I wasn't very smart Saturday night probably because of my nap. My wife came into our room about 5:00 p.m. and asked me if I was going with her to church. I was half asleep and said no, I'll get up in a while and make my way there. She proceeded to ask me how since my car was at church, andI told her I would think of something. When I woke up and remembered it was 8 degrees outside, but I was up for the challenge and decided the quickest way would be my son's Razor scooter. So I set out on this little scooter. I must have looked really funny, you know, (sing-songy voice) "Fat man on a little scooter, fat man on a little scooter!" Thank you Chris Farley for that joke. When I got to the VP I didn't know if I should stop and try calling someone at the church. But I thought the embarrasment of the snot and tears all over my face would be to much for me to bear. I decided to push forward. It was painful, especially for my cheeks and my bald spot which were left uncovered. I finally made it to the safe harbor of the church and before I went in I wiped the snot onto my gloves because there was not another place to wipe it, I was entering through the kidz zone and didn't want to be a poor snot faced example to the children. It was a long ride that I will never make again. But I can now say that I did it at least once in my life. We youth pastors have to have these stories to share from time to time, it makes us interesting.
Other snippets.
I am still stinkin' thankful for the playoff game Brian took me to.
Chicken tacos for the Clines this upcoming Friday night.
It's my sister Anne Marie's birthday this Friday.
Kris' sermon rocked this past Sunday!
The youth group went out and collected clothes for the Muncie Mission last night. That was awesome. I just kind of sprang it on them and they were all excited and pumped to do it.
Our youth at the church are awesome.
I want some Toms shoes.
Got to go, I'll write again soon.


  1. bryan vickery // January 21, 2008 at 1:40 PM  

    a scooter?!? this ain't california bro! (wish i could've seen it though)

  2. Tricia // January 23, 2008 at 11:24 AM  

    The mental picture alone is priceless!! Thx for the laugh...of course not at you, but with you : )