Telemarketers Beware

Posted by Pink is God's | 1:26 PM | 6 comments »

I was trying to come up with something to blog about today that wasn't your usual July 4th stuff, although I love the fact that I live in a free country like America. About an hour ago I sat back and thought, "I got nothin'"! Then we walked into our home from grocery and fireworks shopping and the phone rang. Sidney picked it up and she didn't say much of anything, I was about to tell Sidney to say hello but I then realized what was going on, so I grabbed the phone out of her hand and said, "Hello! It's the Fourth of July! You need to tell your boss that it's a National Holiday and you need the day off!" When I paused there was dead silence at the other end. She had hung up. I was pleasant enough, I don't know what went wrong. I guess the telemarketer on the other end needed to move onto the next July 4th victim.
How do you deal with telemarketers? I tend to take a more aggressive approach. Telemarketers are trained to start talking and not stop until they get their whole shpleele out. I politely interrupt them, once I realize what is going on, and say something like, "No thank you." and then I hang up. I must spend a total of about 10 seconds actually with the phone to my ear. It's worked effectively for me for many years. Try it, you'll like it. I actually learned it from my mom. Thanks Mom!


  1. Kris Sorensen // July 4, 2008 at 2:07 PM  

    "shpleele" nice!

  2. Coby // July 4, 2008 at 3:18 PM  

    See, I'm like the exact opposite. I know that they probably don't like the fact that they call people for a living. So I'm really nice to them. I tell them that I'm really not interested but thanks for calling. Hanging up is just rude. You are a rude man. (haha) The only thing that really bugs me is when it's a recording. That is so annoying. I don't have a problem being nice to actual people, but recordings are of the devil.

  3. Derek Chalfant // July 4, 2008 at 3:31 PM  

    My cousin has told them that she is busy at the moment with supper, but if they would give her their number she would call back when the telemarketer is eating supper or at some off the wall hour.

  4. von // July 5, 2008 at 6:56 PM  

    i have put our ph. # on the no call list - so we don't get any.

  5. Irun Man // July 5, 2008 at 8:07 PM  

    We, the Miller's, are also on a "no-call" list. Therefore, since we really don't have many friends, our phone rarely rings. That's either sad or the sweet sound of silence. :0

  6. Keym // July 5, 2008 at 11:39 PM  

    Well I am usually nice especially since my boss has forced me into being a telemarketer, I even have to call people who are on the no call list, talk about a good time! My dad does the whole "Give me your home number and I will call you when you are eating dinner"