Will the real Barack Obama please stand up?

Posted by Pink is God's | 9:28 PM | 4 comments »

Is he a politician or the anti-politician?
He claims to be against what politics are today and talks about developing a new Washington. Why is he a democrat? If he was truly wanting to change Washington why shouldn't he be an independent or have no affiliation. The Answer: He knows that if he was independent then he wouldn't be in the race, hence he's a democrat, a member of one of the major political parties meaning he can raise the money and have the backing of a large percentage of Americans. And so the conclusion; he is a politician who is posing as the anti-politician to get the votes of the establishment and the non-establishment.
Verdict: Sounds like the greatest politician (if he pulls it off) that I've ever seen or heard of.

Is he a Christian or Muslim?
I just don't believe it is possible for him to be Muslim. Our current US media is too intrusive for this to be possible. Connections would run too deep for him to be Muslim, pose as a Christian, and go through a Presidential election without anyone getting enough of a sniff that he truly was Muslim and is pulling off the greatest political terrorist coup in the history of the world.
Verdict: He is Christian.

Is he Patriotic or Un-Patriotic?
Because he doesn't wear a flag pin or salute the flag during the national anthem? I don't salute the flag during the national anthem. Why? I choose during the pledge of allegiance and the national anthem to pray for our world. Does that make me unpatriotic? Maybe? The fact remains that it is not against the law to not salute the flag (coughing sound while saying Idolatry). You also can't take one video of him not saluting the flag and say that he never salutes the flag. I have heard that he has led the pledge in the Senate, with his hand over his heart. Here are the only qualifications for being the President of the United States:
You have to be a natural-born US Citizen (a citizen from birth - but not necessarily born in the USA, which is a common misconception).
You have to be at least 35 years of age.
You have to reside in the US for at least 14 years.
I think there is a portion of society who are making a false case about Obama because they don't want to see a man who is black and liberal in the White House. People lie. Then they find anything they can to back up their lie. In other words people don't want to see Barack Obama as President so they find a video where he's not saluting the flag, or they say he's a Muslim, or they say his dad was Muslim, or they say his brother is Muslim, or they show a video of him down in Kenya in traditinal Kenyan dress, all of this is fear mongering and nothing more than racism, republican hate (I was a Republican for 34 years, now an independent), or religious hostility (when he has said nothing but he is Christian).
Verdict: It doesn't matter. If he is perceived as being un-patriotic it should hurt his run for president. If he is deemed patriotic by the masses then it should help his run for the presidency. I think he is patriotic since he is running for president. People are getting confused because of his dissatisfaction with our system today. They say that if he isn't proud of our country than he is un-patriotic, I look at it as being the highest form of patriotism, to care enough, to go through what he is going through, to see America elevate it's status in the world.

Is he an elitist?
Of course he's an elitist. Aren't all politicians? Here is the definition of elitism taken from Wikipedia: Elitism is the belief or attitude that those individuals who are considered members of the elite — a select group of people with outstanding personal abilities, intellect, wealth, specialized training or experience, or other distinctive attributes — are those whose views on a matter are to be taken the most seriously or carry the most weight; whose views and/or actions are most likely to be constructive to society as a whole; or whose extraordinary skills, abilities or wisdom render them especially fit to govern [1]. I sure hope he's an elite.
Verdict: Elitist


  1. bryan vickery // April 25, 2008 at 8:13 PM  

    I'll be the bold red-stater to speak up :o)

    "I think there is a portion of society who are making a false case about Obama because they don't want to see a man who is black and liberal in the White House."

    Obviously this is just one small clip from your entire post. I agree with a lot of what you said. And I'll even restate that you said it's a "portion of society". I fit the comment you made 50%. I don't want to see a man who is liberal in the White House (personal preference). I could care less whether he's black or not (that would be racism). But being from a very secluded area with little diversity, I'm pretty sensitive to doing anything that looks or appears racist. If anything I would vote for Barack because I didn't want to be called a racist (but I'm not going to sacrifice my principles for that). It's already becoming a common cry: "People won't vote for him because he's black." Nope. Because he's liberal.

    I want to make sure I'm standing up against this before the cries get louder and more pointed. I will vote for someone else because I don't support liberal policies. Period.

  2. Pink is God's // April 25, 2008 at 9:23 PM  

    Nice comment Bryan.

  3. Pink is God's // April 25, 2008 at 9:39 PM  

    Dude I can totally fly with that argument! My problem comes when people try to talk other people into not voting for someone based on lies. I may or may not vote for Obama. It looks like McCain is getting closer to naming Huckabee as his running mate, probably the smartest thing McCain could do. I will rethink my position if that happens.

  4. bryan vickery // April 26, 2008 at 4:42 AM  

    i'm definitely with you on that. it's so difficult to find the truth on presidential candidates (from them and their supporters).

    and in all honesty, it's hard to stay focused on the real issues when all we hear in the news is about barack's spiritual advisor. they are beating that thing into the ground!!