Apple = Awesome

Posted by Pink is God's | 7:48 PM | 4 comments »

I went to the Apple Store today in Castleton and I was shocked by what happened. You see a couple of weeks ago I broke the glass face of my IPhone and I looked into what it would take to get it fixed. It wasn't broken to the point that I couldn't use it but it was cracked none the less, and it just looked ugly. After much research I found there was no fixing it and that I would have to pay $199 for a new IPhone. What a bummer. Some of the things I read on the internet were:
"Just go into Apple and tell them that the face cracked on its own, but whatever you do don't tell them that you dropped it, that's not covered by the warranty." In other words, LIE!

I decided that I was not going to lie, so I went into the store and I met with a man named Justin. Justin asked me what happened and I told him my story. I didn't ask for a new phone, I just asked him what I should do and how much it was going to cost me. He let me know that it would be $199 and that I would receive a brand new phone if I chose to do that but he also said that he had a friend who had done the same thing to her phone and had just put a protective covering over it and it was fine. I mentioned that one of the reasons that I had the phone was because it was very useful to me and it was a good looking phone. He then excused himself and went to the back room for a moment. After about 5 minutes away he came back and said, "I'm gonna give you a new one." I said, "What!?!" And he proceeded to tell me that he appreciated my honesty and he had talked to his manager and they would just give me a new phone. I was floored! I then thanked him profusely and he went back to get the new phone and set it up. I then walked over and grabbed a protective case for my new phone. No more cracks for me.

I had actually had a discussion with some of the people in the church office about how I was going to go into Apple and lecture them about how they fix things for liars but they punish those who tell the truth. After talking to Justin for a while I didn't feel the need to lecture. We just talked about the situation and he came up with a solution, a great solution! I didn't have to tell Apple to reward honesty, they just did! What a great blessing. So kudos to Apple and their employees. I am a believer. Next computer purchase will be an Apple.


  1. Coby // May 2, 2008 at 8:31 PM  

    Sweet! I love it when God blesses people for being honest!!

  2. Nathan // May 2, 2008 at 10:41 PM  

    YAY!!! And the good guy prevails! You should totally get an apple! I love my ibook! In fact, I've been using it the past hour, working on your super hero character!!!

  3. Kris Sorensen // May 3, 2008 at 7:01 AM  

    I'm impressed. Way to go Apple!

  4. Pink is God's // May 3, 2008 at 8:47 AM  

    I get to be a Super Hero, SWEET!!!