Scrip + You = Easy Money

Posted by Pink is God's | 1:47 PM | 2 comments »

We have a program at our church called scrip. You can go to this site and learn all about it. Basically people order money cards to various stores, eateries, etc. and we get a percentage back for the teshuva. Just to give you an example, if you buy $100 worth of Walmart we get $2, if you buy $100 worth of Texas Roadhouse we get $8, if you buy $100 worth of Marathon (VP) we get $3, etc. Every business is a little bit different but it is all essentially free money. You put out $100 for a Walmart card and you get a $100 card to spend, we just get $2. Sounds easy right?!? Well you need to start helping us! Just start out small, we all need gas, some of us have gas, but we all need gas, just see Kimberly Harris at the end of the church service to order some gas cards. Don't worry you won't get any blue flame gas cards, you can order gasoline cards from just about every gasoline company you can think of. So why not hook a brother and a youth group up! We will love you for it!


  1. Derek Chalfant // July 9, 2008 at 3:21 PM  

    Don't know how much Taylor has in her account now but I really dig the idea of scrip. Only problem is, we need to do it more.

  2. Keym // July 10, 2008 at 7:47 PM  

    It is so totally easy. The best part... I feel like I am sticking it to "the man" because I buy $25 to Wal-Mart and I GET $25 but they are paying us to shop there. It does not get better than that people.