Why is it okay to litter?

Posted by Pink is God's | 6:57 PM | 5 comments »

Do you just throw your garbage on the ground in public?  When was the last time you got through with a wrapper or some other object and decided to just wad it up and throw it on the ground?  I honestly can't remember the last time I littered.  Not only that but I can't remember watching someone else throw garbage on the ground.  Except for one notable exception.  Smokers.  Why is it that smokers think they can just throw their butts anywhere they want?  I just saw it the other day in the Walmart parking lot.  A man in his 60s was getting into his car, finished off his cigarette, and then just flicked it on the ground.  Why do we stand for this?  Why don't we say something?  Better yet why don't we as a people everywhere put our foot down and make it known widely that throwing cigarettes on the ground is littering and should not be tolerated?  You know this may just be something that I call the news or the papers about.  We need this to be taken care of.  I assure you that if everyone in the world just started throwing their trash all over the ground that we wouldn't just stand for that.  Why do we stand for smokers doing it?


  1. Unknown // December 7, 2008 at 7:56 PM  

    Speaking from experience (ex-smoker here...I know...your shocked) the smoker would bite your head off. They are addicts under the yoke of satans bondage. They don't realize how offensive their habit is until they break that yoke. Smokers have no idea how bad they smell or behave, (remember they are deceived by the enemy), because they are so into their drug.
    Thank God I kicked that habit about ten years ago. The first thing I did was picked up all the butts in my yard! No kidding!

  2. Nathan // December 7, 2008 at 8:51 PM  

    Pink, AMEN! The littering is gross, and as someone with asthma, the smell not only stinks but is suffocating.

    Milah, WOW! Thanks for sharing the perspective of an (ex)insider!

  3. Pink is God's // December 7, 2008 at 9:09 PM  

    Milah, understood, but I was very careful to not attack the habit or the addiction just the littering. I just can't believe we put up with the littering. If people ate Ding Dongs all the time and just threw their Ding Dong wrappers all over the place I would be writing this same blog about Ding Dong wrappers not cigarettes.

  4. Unknown // December 8, 2008 at 5:10 AM  


    We have a few miles of roadside we mow and and maintain. I try to pick up the litter each spring before we run the mower. The beer bottles alone would make you sick. We have picked up everything you could imagine, microwaves, mattresses, tires,diapers, food wrappers, it's all so disgusting. The only difference is these people throw their trash out when no one is looking where smokers are just plain oblivious to what they are doing. So I agree, speek up and tell them.....carefully!

  5. Keym // December 8, 2008 at 8:49 PM  

    "Woot Woot" I hate littering! Cigarettes are the worst, they have been in somebody's mouth and they have old slobber on them. *I think I just threw up in my mouth a little*