Posted by Pink is God's | 6:06 PM | 3 comments »

I'm writing this to you today to announce my independence. My life has been held captive and ravaged by something that is not going to have control anymore. Soda, especially sugar, caffeine, and sodium filled soda is now a thing of my past. I remember the days in high school when I used to wake up in the middle of the night and go to the refridgerator, half asleep, and chug down a whole can of Coke without even taking a breath, and then walk back to bed and go to sleep. Well my friends I am a new man. I weigh 230 pounds today and I am looking forward, once I get past the headaches, of seeing my weight change for the better, my blood pressure go down, and my body just getting used to water and the way that makes you feel good!

I have a problem though. I love the taste so much. I mean the way that Coke tastes with popcorn is unbelievable to me. Chips, burgers, french fries, anything, just tastes better with Coke. Help me! If you can think of something that you like to drink that has satisfied you in a way that Soda can satify you, even if it's just close, I'll take it. Comment on my blog and hook a brotha up! Right now I'm going to be running off of water and Crystal Light. I really don't want anything high in sugar and I don't want any Caffeine, the silent killer.

I will keep you posted on my weight loss. I lose weight pretty easy so don't be surprised ifI drop 10 pounds during the holidays.


  1. Mommy pfohl // November 22, 2007 at 8:01 PM  

    Ok, first... 10 lb. droppers make me sick... second... I'll be praying for you. Jeff is 4 mths. into his committement that you just made! So, you can always look to him for support and strength! He'll help a brotha (is that what you said?) In need! Later!

  2. bryan vickery // November 23, 2007 at 9:19 PM  

    I quit drinking soda almost 10 years ago, and there's good news and bad news. The good news is that if you stick with it long enough, your stomach won't be able to handle it very well, so you won't want to drink it as often. The bad news is I've never found a replacement... water, milk, juice... they just don't compare to the taste of a good IBC root beer!

    So what pushed you over the edge to say "I'm Done"?

  3. Cari // November 26, 2007 at 5:56 AM  

    Dwayne favors the carbonated waters at Target. Calorie free, Caffeine free, Sodium free and Carb free. Dwayne seems to really like it. He has not totally given up pop, but he doesn't drink it very often