10 more days...

Posted by Pink is God's | 1:56 PM | 3 comments »

...and I haven't written. What is wrong with me? So much is happening. Sometimes I wonder how Pookie does it?!? I watch him juggle everything he is doing from day to day and then he still gets a blog in, or three. Crazy!!! I have been in a mode this week between youth, Rock the Cat Box, Scrip, Worship, Christmas, etc. I have been swamped. But something funny is happening to me and I just have to share it. I have been receiving secret love notes from a former lover. I know, I know it all sounds like something that would get me fired. But just hear me out. Recently I have been leaving this lover for a healthier alternative. Water has found its way back into my life, and my former lover, Coke, has left. I have been getting these little notes and I really can't figure out who's the cleverist person at Farmland Friends Church. It has been a hoot (that's right, I said hoot) whenever I receive one of these letter and the little package with them. I have made many guesses but the culprit is still out there. Or maybe it is Coke, is that possible?!? I was going to post a picture of these notes but I believe the are on my desk at work, and if any of you have ever seen my desk you would understand why I can't find them. Plus I am at home right now. I'll post them soon.


  1. Jeffrey Pfohl // December 14, 2007 at 2:57 PM  

    Hey Pink I get those notes too but of cousse mine are from Mt. Dews and they say drink me or I might break your knees. :)

  2. Mommy pfohl // December 14, 2007 at 7:05 PM  

    oh, and your wives say... YOU TOUCH AND WE BREAK YOUR KNEES! OK, sorry... can't speak for Tonya! But this wife says it, Mr. Pfohl!!!!!

  3. Derek Chalfant // December 15, 2007 at 7:54 AM  

    I can understand why you left Coke and maybe you will turn to the choice of the new generation. Good luck finding your "secret friend or friends".