I think God's trying to teach me something.

Posted by Pink is God's | 6:50 PM | 4 comments »

Maybe not. But a piece of scripture was brought to my attention by a student about the time I have been really struggling with numbers. That's a weird way of putting it. I've been beginning to think that I am the weakest link in the ministry of the church, and in a way I have been. I've been relatively obsessed with numbers recently, especially numbers when it comes to the ministries I'm a part of. For some reason in my mind recently I've equated my work with the rise or fall of my portion of the church. If God is really working in my portion of ministry there will automatically be growth. Like if I'm good enough there will be more people. There is a confusing portion of scripture in 2 Samuel that talks about a time when David sinned by counting the people of Israel, I like the way Matthew Henry talks about this:

"He (David) owned that he had done foolishly, very foolishly, because he had done it in the pride of his heart; and it was folly for him to be proud of the numbers of his people, when they were God's people, not his, and , as many as they were, God could soon make them lower."

David was guilty of being a leader who thought that the number of people of Israel had something to do with him, when they weren't his people they were God's, and God could make the number more or less as he saw fit. Now believe me when I say that I am not anywhere close to the stature of David. What I am saying is that as leaders in the church we are, a lot of times, believeing that numbers tell the story of our ministry. But God's story usually is different than our story. And when there is a huge increase it is because of God. When there is a decrease it very well could be God's plan. But regardless, if I am following and abiding in Christ then I have to look at it all as God's work, not my work.


  1. Tucker // January 28, 2008 at 12:42 AM  

    One of the hardest things for me to learn, as a pastor, was to not take things personally. When only 25 people came to Sunday evening worship, I would think less of myself. One night as I was praying in the church after everyone, all 25 of them had left, God literally told me, "So you think this is all about YOU? The group you have in each service are people that I knew, way back before time began, would be there to hear what I said in you."
    "You worry about the ones who ARE there and I will take care of the ones who aren't"
    Wow, I had been too worried about numbers that I was not ministering effectively to those who were there.
    Love your words, Love your Heart!

  2. Derek Chalfant // January 28, 2008 at 3:35 AM  

    Numbers look good in the books but I think if you have 20 people there and an impact is made on just 1 of them I call that a success. I also believe that the devil likes to sneak in there everyonce in awhile just dropping those little hints that start you doubting what your doing or buliding you up to be more than what you actually are, you know the whole pride thingy.

  3. bryan vickery // January 28, 2008 at 9:12 AM  

    Each number represents a soul. The more souls we can touch with the gospel of Jesus Christ the better!

    But Sheldon is right. We are asked to be responsible with God has given us. God will take care of the rest. Keep up the good work. I missed you guys last night.

  4. Coby // January 29, 2008 at 8:24 AM  

    i'm glad that God is teaching you new things and bringing you to new places. however difficult it may be, it's still awesome. i'll be praying for you this week.