I Don't Know If I Can Put Into Words...

Posted by Pink is God's | 6:57 PM | 5 comments »

what a fascinating, emotional, messed up, exciting, great, lovely day this was. Brian is my hero and will be receiving several rounds of chicken tacos for his amazing effort in getting us tickets. I felt like I was in the Lion's Den most of the evening. I am not kidding when I say that getting beaten up was a real possibility. You can ask Brian there were so many drunk and high Colts fans around us that one wrong step and it was going to be curtins for me. One gentleman, whom I didn't say a word to all day, had a lady tap me on the shoulder to get my attention and when I looked at him he had the look of death on his face and he brought his thumb across his throat! That was nice. I enjoyed the passion that Indianapolis fans brought to their stadium but I couldn't help but be a little embarassed for them. It seemed as though their whole lives were wrapped up in whether the Colts won or lost. You should have seen many fans just sit in their seats after the game and just about cry. They were devastated. It was kind of like the coverage on the news you see after a natural disaster hits a community. People wondering where their house went, or why their whole community is gone, or what they were going to do next. But this was just a football game. The Colts even one the Super Bowl last year! Needless to say I was very quiet after the game and was greeted by many who wanted to give me a piece of their mind. I was actually quite scared, I'm not kidding.


  1. Kris Sorensen // January 13, 2008 at 7:18 PM  

    Was there a game today?

  2. bryan vickery // January 13, 2008 at 7:22 PM  

    First off, if you were in the Lion's Den (aka Ford Field), it would have been much easier making it to the AFC championship game.

    Now that I've got my Jon Kitna bitterness off my chest let me just say... *sigh*... this is hard...

    I really am glad you got to go to the game. And I'm glad you were able to enjoy your team winning (must be nice). I'm sure you won't forget this day. Congrats.

    And thanks for everything you're doing with the youth. God has clearly wired/molded you to be where you're at. I literally pray that God has it in His plans to keep you (and Jme and I) around for another 20 years + so that baby "Herman" can be discipled by such a great man of God. Keep up the good work!

  3. Anonymous // January 13, 2008 at 7:38 PM  

    Crazy guy behind us was very scarry. I wish that the Colts could play to there ability when we play the CHargers. Oh Well there is always next year:) Thanks for going it was a great time.

  4. Rick Brown // January 14, 2008 at 9:44 AM  

    Just remember not all Colts fans are FANATICS!!!!! Congrats to the Bolts on a good win. I hope the injuries received yesterday dont haper their efforts vs. Pats.

  5. von // January 21, 2008 at 9:37 AM  

    I am so sorry people acted like that. for me there is no excuse for it. You just hoop and holler all you want.