Interesting facts about me...

Posted by Pink is God's | 1:35 PM | 7 comments »

1. I haven't had a cavity since one I had in my baby teeth. (Actually I haven't been to the dentist in about five years so that one could have changed!)

2. I like dressing up. Unfortunately I live in a place where that is frowned upon.

3. Sometimes I wish I could grow a full gotee, but: A. I can't grow a full gottee, I have bald spots on either sides of my mouth. B. My wife hates hair on my face:-(

4. I like chick flicks.

5. I really don't like chicken tacos.

6. I like jeans but I really wish sometimes that I had some really cool "trousers" to wear. You know that trousers are the really high end pants that cost too much for my blood. I also like saying trousers with my best British accent.

7. I keep my wallet in my front pocket instead of my back pocket. My back hurts at the end of the day if I keep it in my back pocket. Plus there are a lot of pick pockets in Farmland.

8. I have a pocket watch but I need to change the battery. I love pocket watches, mine has a cool chain.

9. I want a Vespa scooter.

10. Number five is a lie.


  1. bryan vickery // February 4, 2008 at 4:41 PM  

    If you get your scooter, you could get on my back and I could drive you to church in January. Then when we arrive at our destination with frozen snot-cicles hanging from our noses, you could complain about your hands being cold. Then I could tell you that you could borrow my extra pair of gloves. Then... (if you've seen Dumb and Dumber, you know where this goes)

  2. Tucker // February 4, 2008 at 6:27 PM  

    You had me going there for awhile...I was starting to think that I would get your tacos next time...too bad you were being untruthful!

  3. Kris Sorensen // February 4, 2008 at 6:54 PM  

    You had me worried after number 5... number 4 kinda' weirds me out.

  4. Mommy pfohl // February 4, 2008 at 7:25 PM  

    Well, I agree with your wife... but my husband says to get over it... hair doesn't belong on your face! for number 4... bet that makes your wife happy to and number 5... I think you scared a few people specifically one!

  5. Derek Chalfant // February 5, 2008 at 3:30 AM  

    Does #4 mean you like movies with chicks in them or those mushy romance type movies. You need to be a little more specific. Still waiting to try those formentioned chicken tacos in #5. And I hope #2 is not the kind of dress up that Sidney does.

  6. Coby // February 5, 2008 at 11:01 AM  

    Dressing up is frowned upon? I don't think I got that memo....

  7. Cari // February 6, 2008 at 5:25 AM  

    Now, see...I disagree with Tonya and Mindy. I hate it when Dwayne shaves his gottee. I just can't imagine him without his facial hair. Also, Dwayne really likes dressing up nice too. Too bad he married a girl that he can't ever get to look And he always carries his wallet in his front pocket, too. He bought a really cool wallet just for that purpose.