A New Blog for a New Era

Posted by Pink is God's | 3:03 PM | 5 comments »

Here it is! I'm rolling it out tonight before the New Year Rush. My new style. I have had way to many style glitches with black as a background of an internet page. So I lost the black. That was easy. Now I can add anything I want on the side of my page, and I have. Let me know what you think. Next up, fixing the teshuva web page.

10 more days...

Posted by Pink is God's | 1:56 PM | 3 comments »

...and I haven't written. What is wrong with me? So much is happening. Sometimes I wonder how Pookie does it?!? I watch him juggle everything he is doing from day to day and then he still gets a blog in, or three. Crazy!!! I have been in a mode this week between youth, Rock the Cat Box, Scrip, Worship, Christmas, etc. I have been swamped. But something funny is happening to me and I just have to share it. I have been receiving secret love notes from a former lover. I know, I know it all sounds like something that would get me fired. But just hear me out. Recently I have been leaving this lover for a healthier alternative. Water has found its way back into my life, and my former lover, Coke, has left. I have been getting these little notes and I really can't figure out who's the cleverist person at Farmland Friends Church. It has been a hoot (that's right, I said hoot) whenever I receive one of these letter and the little package with them. I have made many guesses but the culprit is still out there. Or maybe it is Coke, is that possible?!? I was going to post a picture of these notes but I believe the are on my desk at work, and if any of you have ever seen my desk you would understand why I can't find them. Plus I am at home right now. I'll post them soon.

Want a free PSP?

Posted by Pink is God's | 7:14 PM | 5 comments »

A couple of years ago I got a free 30 GB Video Ipod from a site that a friend showed me. You know the sites that always say get your free such-and-such? Well I actually got one the way they said to get one, plus a t-shirt. Now I am going for a PSP, just for fun. If any of you guys out there are game I wouldn't mind showing you the ropes and helping you get one. Just leave me a comment or e-mail me and let me know you are interested. I always like free stuff especially if it is a cool electronic thing-a-ma-jiggy.

55 MPH

Posted by Pink is God's | 8:02 PM | 3 comments »

(Warning: The following is a editorial on my life, not on anyone else's life. It is a judgement on myself and in no way is a judgement on others. If you are worried that this editorial may in anyway change your habits please look away now.)

I was driving home today and I noticed that yet again I set my cruise control at 58 MPH. Then I thought to myself, why am I setting my cruise control at 58? The speed limit is 55. Why would I set the cruise at 58 evertime I get in a 55 MPH zone? Do I really need the extra time that badly? How much time could I really be saving anyway? Let me do the math: Actually forget that, basically it might be a couple of minutes. Actually I don't think it has anything to do with time to me, it has to do with people's perception. I'm embarrased for some reason if people think I'm a slow driver. Why? For that matter, why would people make fun of people because they follow the law. I guess I just don't get it.

Anyway, the next time you drive up on a orange box on the 32 just honk and wave as you pass. That's just me doing the speed limit.


Posted by Pink is God's | 6:06 PM | 3 comments »

I'm writing this to you today to announce my independence. My life has been held captive and ravaged by something that is not going to have control anymore. Soda, especially sugar, caffeine, and sodium filled soda is now a thing of my past. I remember the days in high school when I used to wake up in the middle of the night and go to the refridgerator, half asleep, and chug down a whole can of Coke without even taking a breath, and then walk back to bed and go to sleep. Well my friends I am a new man. I weigh 230 pounds today and I am looking forward, once I get past the headaches, of seeing my weight change for the better, my blood pressure go down, and my body just getting used to water and the way that makes you feel good!

I have a problem though. I love the taste so much. I mean the way that Coke tastes with popcorn is unbelievable to me. Chips, burgers, french fries, anything, just tastes better with Coke. Help me! If you can think of something that you like to drink that has satisfied you in a way that Soda can satify you, even if it's just close, I'll take it. Comment on my blog and hook a brotha up! Right now I'm going to be running off of water and Crystal Light. I really don't want anything high in sugar and I don't want any Caffeine, the silent killer.

I will keep you posted on my weight loss. I lose weight pretty easy so don't be surprised ifI drop 10 pounds during the holidays.

Construction Begins!

Posted by Pink is God's | 7:50 PM | 4 comments »

Kris and I thought we were hearing thunder this past week but then realized that it was sunny outside. We walked out front and we found a construction thing-a-ma-bobber knocking concrete out of the ground in front of the Family Life Center. It has begun my friends. Soon we will be in a new building that will rock! I am so excited!

It's been a while, I know!

Posted by Pink is God's | 11:04 AM | 1 comments »

You knew that I would have to write something after last nights game. But I have a feeling you won't be expecting what will come below. The Chargers Stink! I can't believe they actually found a way to win last night. The Colts had 15 players out with injuries or something like that. Any team in the NFL probably would have beaten the Colts by 30 last night. But the Chargers don't beat the Colts, Vinatieri beats the Colts all by himself. I can understand Manning throwing all of those int's, he had one receiver to go to all night, Wayne. Then he had a bunch of nobodys running poor routes causing horrible looking ints. That game last night was an embarrasment to the NFL. I'm just sorry we gave it such a build up. The Chargers need a new coaching staff.

1, 2, 3, 4...

Posted by Pink is God's | 8:29 PM | 1 comments »

I think Lucas has asked me this question probably, oh, let's say, 45 times. Usually when we are in the car driving somewhere Lucas says at some point, "Dad, can you count to 1000?" I usually say, "Bubba, that would take to long, but yes I can count to a thousand." Well tonight Lucas asked me again when he and I were driving alone back from Muncie. I thought what I always think and was about to answer him with the same old answer that he had become used to when I thought, "have I ever counted to 1000?" To that question I had to answer no. So tonight, for the first time in my life, I counted to 1000 out loud while my son sat very quietly and listened and occasionally made an awestruck sound. It took almost the entire drive but I made it around the time we were driving past Monroe Central Elementary.
You know what Lucas had to say when I was finished? "Dad, can you count to infinity?" To this I laughed and said, "No." And then he said, "Maybe when you get older?" Then we had a very basic theological conversation about the number infinity.
Sometimes I get so used to saying no. Why? Especially to my kids. They enjoy simple things. Lucas loves me and I love him. Why did I wait so long to count to 1000 for him. It wasn't hard, except for one time when I got in the 700s and thought I lost my place, that was almost a big bummer. I think I'm going to take some time with my kids when they ask me for something like this to love them by giving them something they ask for even if it seems silly, foolish, time consuming, or simple.
Oh, by the way, when was the last time you counted to 1000?

Here is the newest article. It's really depressing. My family is still fine, they have evacuated some of Escondido but not the interior where they live.

So much has happened...

Posted by Pink is God's | 7:36 PM | 2 comments »

since my last blog! Where to begin. Well I have found an editor for my book, "Diary of an Angry Christian" (Look for it on bookshelves in a bookstore near you in the future), I went to a great concert, and oh yea, MY CHILDHOOD HOME IS IN JEOPARDY OF BURNING TO THE GROUND!!! What in the world is going on here! My parents have called about the fact that they may be evacuated tonite. I have been praying about that of course. Escondido has never been evacuated, that should tell you all you need to know about the severity of this fire. Escondido is in a valley and everything always burns around it but nothing in it ever burns. So far 15 Escondido homes have burned to the ground. I'm sure that number has increased just in the time that I have been writing this. Check out this article: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21405632/ I lived in Rancho Bernardo about a year ago! I have no idea if the house I lived in is gone or not. They say it is going to get worse before it gets better. If you could be praying for everyone in Southern Cal I would appreciate it. The majority of my family lives there along with several of my best friends.

Population of the World

Posted by Pink is God's | 8:14 PM | 1 comments »

Check this site out:


This is a site I found in some of my research this week. It gives an up to the second population count of the world since 1970. For some reason it seems amazing to me. Okay it is a logarithmic equation that estimates what the population is at the moment, but it's still amazing.

Books I Want to Read

Posted by Pink is God's | 6:10 PM | 3 comments »

An Unstoppable Force: Erwin McManus

Louder Than Words: Andy Stanley

Don't Waste Your Life: John Piper

Till We Have Faces: C.S. Lewis

The Practice of the Presence of God: Brother Lawrence

The Unquenchable Worshipper: Matt Redman

The Air I Breathe: Louie Giglio

There I think that would keep me busy for a while. What book do you want to read most right now? Post that in the comment. A great classic I would recommend is Hinds Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard

Old Sports Cards

Posted by Pink is God's | 4:20 PM | 0 comments »

Well not really old, most of them are from the 90's. My son and I are now collecting cards. I pulled out several of my old boxes and we've been going through them the last couple of evenings. I noticed something funny about them, I can't remember many of these pro athletes. It's funny how much I know about sports, just ask PK, and how there are so many athletes who are out of there respective sport now. So many men have strived to be in professional sports only to watch there dream become a short lived season.

There were many names I did recognize that were only in professional sports for a short time and then I was saying "What happened to this guy." I remember saving the rookie cards of many players thinking when this guy makes it big I'm going to be rich. Today I am looking at those same guys and saying did he even play a whole season?

Isn't that life. For every one one star there are 1,000's of flops. For every Griffey there are 1,000 Ray Sanchez's. For every Ladanian Tomlinson there are 1,000 Curtis Enis'. For every Michael Jordan there are 1,000 Sam Bowie's.

In life I guess it's important to go for your dreams but it's also important to live in reality. We are not all going to be superstars, actually I don't think anyone reading this blog will ever be a superstar, at least by this worlds standards. But God can use us for eternal purposes that go far beyond how many home runs we've hit, TDs we've scored, or slam dunks we've thrown down. Just think of the effect you have on eternity when God uses you to bring one person to him. You have just had a work in making sure that that person goes from spending eternity in hell to spending eternity with God in paradise. That should blow your mind!

Would you rather have the all time home run record or have a hand with God in saving a person's soul for eternity? Would you rather see your friend come to know God and hang out with them FOREVER or catch 100 TD passes thrown by Peyton Manning? Would you rather be a mixture of Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, and Lebron James, or sit around a camp fire in heaven one day with every person you planted a God seed in. Hey, these cards seem pretty lame now!

The New Addition to Our Family

Posted by Pink is God's | 6:40 PM | 2 comments »

Here she is! Tonya and I went to the animal shelter today and picked out our new little puppie. She will be home on Wednesday after she has a little work done. We have named her Miley, Lucas has named her Miles, he likes that name better. She is part Beagle and part Boxer, but as you can see she is mostly Beagle which will make her a good indoor dog which is what we wanted. We are so excited to finally be blessed enough to have out own dog. It has been a long time in the making. My kids and my wife have been waiting a long time for this.

Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!

Posted by Pink is God's | 5:51 PM | 5 comments »

I was so shocked when I walked out of my house this morning to see a blanket of white in the trees, bushes, and on the ground! I know, I know, it was 89 degrees today and yesterday, and it didn't snow anywhere else in Farmland (except the Lott's house). My kids love it when it snows. My wife was also very surprised. I just don't know how to get the snow out of the trees, I guess this type of snow, from what I've heard, doesn't melt. Have I mentioned how much I love the high schoolers in our youth group. They are so well mannered, respectful, and loving. Especially three to be specific, the little blonde girl, the little brown boy, and the little red headed boy, they are my favorites!


Posted by Pink is God's | 7:44 PM | 0 comments »

Catalyst has been GREAT! I think the thing I have appreciated, and learned most from is watching and listening to the worship. What I have appreciated most was just seeing other worship leaders lead with passion and emotion. I needed a time to recharge those batteries and learn from annointed worshippers.

Francis Chan is a name you need to know. He spoke about the supremacy of God and about our lives and how amazing it is that God has known us before we were even put together. He also spoke on service and what it means to feed Jesus, clothe Jesus, take in Jesus, because when you do these things to the least of these you've done it unto Him. I took this as a challenge to start really serving as a youth group. I have a plan for November, stay tuned, it's going to be great.

We also had some fun times in Chilis! I better not talk about that too much, that would ruin a good God day!

Heavy Dose of Reality!

Posted by Pink is God's | 6:52 PM | 1 comments »

We were in Panera the other day. Hey, I like Panera as much as the next guy, but I noticed something that was a little odd. As I stepped up to order my sandwich and salad, yes salad, I like salad, the lady taking my order asked me after I ordered my sandwich if I wanted chips with my sandwich. I quickly wondered why she just offered me chips. I know they have a few different options so I asked her what my options were. She said chips, bread, or an apple. I then told her I would like the bread, thank you very much. Not that I was intending to eat the Bread, I gave it to my wife and daughter, but why would she just assume that I wanted the chips. Then I looked down at my belly, Oh, that's why she assumed! I guess she made the right guess. After I told her I wanted the bread I ordered my salad to go along with my sandwich.

New Entertainment Blog

Posted by Pink is God's | 7:12 PM | 1 comments »

A new blog is out there that is connected to our new youth site http://www.theteshuva.net/. If you go to http://hollybeesblog.blogspot.com/ you can read a youth's view of modern entertainment. Holly is a great writer and does a great job with this blog. If you want to know more about Relient K's new album go here and check it out. I am proud of Holly and proud to have this blog connected to our site.

I'm officially a Hoosier!

Posted by Pink is God's | 6:12 PM | 4 comments »

Today I went to the BMV, it was so exciting. I had to take the dreaded written test, dum, dum, dum! I studied a little and felt pretty good. As I took the test I stared to mark those questions I wasn't quite sure about. You probalby know this but you are able to miss six on the regular question part of the test and two on the sign part of the test. As I marked those that I had questions on I got to the end of the test and found that there were seven regular questions that I wasn't quite sure of and three sign questions that I was questioning. This made me pretty nervous. I went back over the test and fixed some things and felt a little better but I was still nervous. I took it to the front and handed it in, it's been a while since I took an important test, I thought as I walked up. They corrected it in a few minutes. The lady then looked at me and asked me if I wanted to see it, I said yes. I looked at the marks I had made and noticed that I had missed some, I had also missed one that I thought for sure I had gotten right. Okay enough of the suspense. I passed, I didn't miss any of the sign questions. I missed five of the other questions. It seems like I don't know what the age limits are to obtain a license. Something that I didn't really feel bad about not knowing since I am not 16, 18, or 21 and my oldest child is seven. I guess it was just something I didn't have to know since I am 35 and have been driving for 17 years.
Oh by the way, I found out that my vision is going down hill. I used to be 20/13, I am now 20/40. I'm getting old. I missed one number in each section. I used to be so proud of the fact that I didn't seem to need glasses, now I do. The lady informed me that 20/40 is the worst vision you can have and drive without help from contacts or glasses. It looks like I'm going to an eye exam soon. Well at least I have five years until I have to renew.

I am a Hoosier! I think I'll watch the movie to celebrate.

O.J. and M.V.

Posted by Pink is God's | 5:04 PM | 1 comments »

O.J. Simpson and Michael Vick, in case you were wondering what those initials were for. I don't understand these two men. I am under a very small microscope being a pastor at a church. To say these two are under a microscope would be an understatement. What makes them think that they can get away with anything that goes against any law or any moral code for that matter. I won't play certain card games because I'm scared someone might have a problem with it. These two guys are hanging and drowning dogs, breaking and entering, and kidnapping people. Do they have a malfunction in their brains. I'm not joking. Do you think that it's possible that they have some sort of brain damage that causes them to have no concept of society whatsoever. Honestly that may be the only explanation for the utter idiocy these two men have exhibited. I'm not writing these two men off, I wish they would come to know God or return to God. But even people who don't know God know that there are certain things you just don't do, especially when the whole world is watching.

1971 Chevy Pickup

Posted by Pink is God's | 6:41 PM | 3 comments »

The last few days we have driven to Muncie I have noticed a truck in, I believe it's, Selma. It is a 1971 Chevy or GMC pickup. I know, I'm Californian, I didn't check which one it was. Anyway I was curious about it so I called the people who were selling it. He told me it was in good working order with a new clutch and new tires. He also told me it had a 350 in it. (I wish I could say I really knew what that mean.) I asked how much he was asking and he said $2300, and said he would be open to other offers. So all of you men out there, help me out, I don't know what I'm doing and it looks like a nice truck to fix up and or just kick around in. My wife and I have been a little frustrated with one vehicle. I don't even think I'm really going to buy anything right now but in the future it might be nice to have a classic truck to drive around town. So when I do go to buy something it might be nice to pay about $1700 for a old American classic.

The Launch Is Upon Us

Posted by Pink is God's | 7:45 PM | 2 comments »

For those of you who read this blog I am about to let you in on a little secret. The launch of theteshuva.net is tomorrow night. But what you don't know is that it is, for the most part, up and running. So if you are regular reader of this blog and want to have a preview go to http://www.theteshuva.net/. I hope you like it. Post a comment and tell me what you think. If you are student please don't call others, if you want to tell them to go and read my blog that's okay, just don't give it away for free. We will be going through the site tomorrow night in youth group.

His Life Style

Posted by Pink is God's | 5:47 PM | 2 comments »

I haven't been on here for a few days. Weekends seem to wipe me out, in a good way! Youth group was great but it took a lot of physical, emotional, and spiritual work. God is good and He has been blessing the group in many ways. It seems like the kids are on the verge of really living with God. I think the most important thing we can remember is that God is with us at all times. I think this would change a lot of things in us and around us.
I don't think it would be exactly like we think, but things would be different. Jesus was around some interesting characters while He was here on earth. God is calling us to live with Him so we can have His strength, grace, power, love, and peace to be an example to those who don't know or don't want Him. He is calling us to live His life style, and in this He will bless us.

Iphone = $ (Part 2)

Posted by Pink is God's | 10:18 AM | 1 comments »

So I found out today that my Iphone is already obsolete. Apple went from having a 4GB version for $500 and a 8 GB version for $600, to having one 8GB version for $399. Many of you just now are say, "It serves you right James for spending so much on a phone!" Oh, but wait a minute, I called the store I bought my Iphone from last week and they are giving me a $200 credit on my bill just for purchasing my Iphone for $500. Yes, I know, that means that my Iphone only cost me $300, $50-$150 less then the other PDAs I was looking at originally.
The reason they are giving me $200 back is because there policy states that I can return my phone within the first 14 days for a restocking fee of $50. I brought this to their attention, assuming that I would just trade mine in for the 8GB version and $50. They told me what they were doing is just giving a $200 credit. I am very, very happy about that!


Posted by Pink is God's | 3:18 PM | 6 comments »

I am so excited that the football season opens tomorrow night. I think what I am most excited about is the fact that the Colts play tomorrow night and that means that when they lose they will already be behind the Chargers for home field advantage in the playoffs. Couple that with a Chargers win against the Bears and what you have is the beginning of a great season. So my predictions for this week are:

Saints 35 Colts 24

Chargers 31 Bears 10

Face it Colt fans, you lost too much this last post season. And Aaron, the Bears offense is worthless, and the Chargers defense is too good, and their offense is even better.

There I think I will get some comments on this post.

Thursday is a BIG DAY!

Posted by Pink is God's | 6:37 PM | 1 comments »

I have coached about 15 different teams over the past 10 years. I have never had a season in which the team I've coached has lost every game, match, or event. Thursday is the biggest sporting event in my coaching history. My golf girls, who have improved by about 25 strokes over the course of this season, have told me that the only team they beat last season was the team we are playing on Thursday. In a way I am scared.
Then something unexpected happened today. I was going through my pre-match speech and I said a line that I have said before every match so far this season. "You can't control how others treat you, but you can control how you treat other people." I've said this before every match because my girls have a tendency to decide if they are going to like playing for that day based on whether the other girls are "nice" or "mean". Anyway, the unexpected thing that happened today was that after I said my pre-match quote one of my girls said, "Coach, I think that is what I've learned most this golf season." I was happy! Yeah, she could have said, "along with everything else I have learned from you coach, about golf, life, everything, I'm gonna remember to treat people right too." But she didn't. But if all they take from this season is treating people with love I think I'll take that.

Where went the A game?

Posted by Pink is God's | 5:31 PM | 1 comments »

Yesterday, Sunday, I just didn't feel right. You know those days that you want to bring your A game but it just doesn't come. I was at about C+, maybe. It wasn't a matter of any one thing that caused this drop in performance. It was just an accumulation of things that caused my lack of umph.
I've gotten some rest today and I'll get a good nights sleep tonight. I have also learned some things from yesterday. All of this should move me into a place where I can bring back my A game.
God has reminded me that things will be okay even if I am lacking. I usually am lacking, that's for sure. God reminded me that it is about Him being the ONE, not about me being the one. He keeps me humble by reminding me that I am human and that I will always make mistakes and that I will, in this body, always seem to be tired.

Iphone = $

Posted by Pink is God's | 6:30 PM | 6 comments »

A few months ago my wife broke her phone. Little did I know that this event in time would lead to a financial windfall with a plan so ingenious you will not believe your eyes while you read this blog.

You see tomorrow I will be purchasing an Iphone with the blessing of my wife and my budget. Here's how it's all gonna work out. New Cell phones, if you've ever had to buy one without a discount, are very expensive, usually between $200-$300. I have been pricing PDAs because with my new job I need something mobile that can keep me organized. Today I walked into AT&T to price some PDAs, I didn't go into look at the Iphone, I THOUGHT it was too expensive at $500. I talked to the lady there, Michelle did a nice job explaining everything to me. I found that the PDAs cost between $350-$450. She explained all of the features and they sounded like good pieces of electronics that would work for my purposes. She also explained that I would be paying a monthly service fee of at least $39.99 a month. That fee was over what I am now paying to AT&T.

Now here is where it gets interesting. Michelle said, "have you considered the Iphone." I said, "No, no, I can't spend that much money." I said this basically because my wife was standing next to me and I wanted to score some points. Then Michelle proceded to explain to me that the fee to use the Iphone was only $20 a month. After some quick math I came up with the fact that the Iphone service would save me $240 a year just in service charges. Over the course of let's just say three years I would save $720. Now the Iphone does cost between $50-$150 more than an adequate PDA but if you subtract that from $720 you get a savings of between $570-$670 just to purchase the Iphone and use it the next three years.

Now before you say, Jamesy, this is just your fancy way of justifying your purchase, I just want you to remember that facts are facts. Using the Iphone over the next three years will save me hundreds of dollars. I will be able to organize my time more effectively, and my wife not only gets a great new phone, which I just got in the mail from Cingular in March, but she will also be the recipient of my 30 GB video Ipod. In the end everyone wins.

Why Blog?!?

Posted by Pink is God's | 6:37 PM | 2 comments »

The only explanation for me having time to blog today is that I'm addicted.
It's good to be busy in the sense that there's a sense of accomplishment when the day is over. I had someone ask me today if this was what I was used to in California, being this busy. I said yes but that's why I left California, LOL. I hate LOL.
My golf girls had their best tournament today, we still lost by 18 strokes, but we beat our best score by 10 strokes, they shot a 217 and I'm really proud of them.
I rearranged my office today with the help of my friend that I have no time for. Tomorrow I'll get to spend some quality time with my wife. That'll be great. Muncie here we come.

Golf is Amazing!

Posted by Pink is God's | 7:47 PM | 4 comments »

This afternoon I witnessed a high school girl take apart the golf course which I've played regularly since I have arrived here in Farmland. Trisha Champ shot a 34 for the nine holes she played. Yeah that's a 2 under par.
I can almost assure you that I will never shoot a 34 at Hickory Hills or any other golf course. How does a 17 year old High School girl from Jay County shoot a 34?!? Interestingly enough if you google Trisha's name you'll find her hole in one on 9/11/5 and her school record on 8/2/6, which of course she broke today.
After a great round like this I did what any good youth pastor would do, I asked her what her plans were. I really enjoyed my conversation with her and we talked about where she would be going to school next year. She told me Ball State, which is the school it seems every senior tells me they want to go to. We then talked about Anderson University and I told her I went to a Christian School and she asked me how I liked it. I told her it was great and I encouraged her to look into Anderson, I have heard it is a great school. I need to visit Anderson by the way, so I know what I'm talking about.
At the end of our conversation I asked her to attend youth group, she would be a great addition. I don't know if she will come but it would be great if she showed up some Sunday night.

Baseball Cards from Afar

Posted by Pink is God's | 5:29 PM | 4 comments »

Sometimes I wonder how incredibly rich I would be if I would've kept all of the sports cards I collected as a child. Don't get me wrong I have several boxes worth, but for the most part they're worthless. Why? Because I got rid of all of the great cards by trading them away. You know those great stories of people finding a $20,000 Mickey Mantle card in a box that their dad left in the attic, well that will never be my kids story.

Just recently my sister found a bunch of magic cards that her husband left in storage and gave them to me to see what I could get for them. I took them into a card shop in Escondido and they ended up being pretty valuable. I made a trade of my own getting my favorite baseball card set of all time, the 1985 Topps set. The one that was most revered by my friends and I. It has the Roger Clemens Rookie, Mark McGwire olympic card rookie, a Kirby Puckett rookie, and many other cards I love. For good measure in the trade I talked the owner into throwing in a 1989 Upper Deck Ken Griffey RC card, this was and remains my favorite card of all time.

My kids may have a story to tell after all!

Nacho Bar Action

Posted by Pink is God's | 5:23 PM | 3 comments »

I love nachos!!! So it was natural for me to decide that we would have nachos next week at youth group. I like regular nacho cheese and jalepenos. I like the Velveta cheese nachos with beef. I like that white looking cheese sauce you get with chips at those Mexican food restaurants. I guess you could say I just like cheese. Where would we be in this life without cheese. No pizza, cheeseburgers, tacos (what are tacos without cheese), baked potatoes (baked potatoes without cheese is a travesty), lasagna, mac and cheese, raviolis, enchiladas, AND NACHOS!!! Here is a nacho recipe for you:

One 16 ounce block of Velveta Cheese

One pound of ground beef or pork

Two cans of Rotel (choose your spiceyness) One can if you like your dip thicker.

Cube the Velveta in small cubes. Put into a crock pot on Medium to high heat. Add Rotel and browned meat. Stir regularly and wait for all of the ingrediants to melt together. Eat it all up.

Foos Ball Rocks!

Posted by Pink is God's | 6:11 PM | 1 comments »

What can I say? Foos ball makes me feel like a real man. I win at the game. It's one of the few table games I'm good at. And just for your information the reason for this utter domination at the table is a little thing I like to call "Two Handed Fury". I have perfected a technique that is simply unstoppable. I don't like playing with less than effective players who use a simple and innapropriate spinning technique at the table. If you want to see the "Two Handed Fury" I would come and watch. I would not play before seeing. Because the force by witch the ball moves during play may grip you with such terror that you may run away in fear. Seeing is believeing and is less intimidating at first. So come, be an observer, just don't bite off more than you can chew.

Worship Lines

Posted by Pink is God's | 6:39 PM | 0 comments »

There are just some lines in worship songs that just make me smile and more worshipful, here they are:

"How Great is Our God..."

"Come now is the time to worship. Come now is the time to give your heart."

"The universe declares your Majesty."

"You alone are worthy of my praise."

"Lord there is none like you."

"For my soul longs and even faints for you."

"The heavens decare your glorious, glorious. Great is your fame beyond the earth."

"For the Lord God Almighty reigns."

"Beauty that made this heart adore you."

"Blessed be the name of the Lord, blessed be your name."

If you are reading this tonight (Saturday), or Sunday morning, go into corporate worship this week saying, as you come into the service:

"How lovely is your dwelling place, Oh Lord Almighty. For my soul longs and even faints for you. For here my heart is satisfied within your presence. I sing beneath the shadow of your wing. Better is one day in your courts. Better is one day in your house. Better is one day in your courts, than thousands elsewhere."

Colts tickets anyone?

Posted by Pink is God's | 7:43 PM | 3 comments »

Aaron Black and I were hanging out together tonite and were talking about how much I like the Chargers, and how much he hates the Colts and we decided that it would be great to go to the Chargers vs. Colts game. Unfortunately it is so difficult to get a ticket that it would be near impossible to go see this game. Aaron is so excited about getting a Tomlinson jersey and wearing it just to spite the Colts and all of the Colts fans. I would just like to go see my beloved team. Wait a minute, why would anyone want to give me a pair of Colts tickets if I was going there to root against the Colts?

Let's start over: Aaron Black and I were hanging out together tonite and were talking about how much we like the Colts (this is a realatively new development). We were also talking about how much we hate the Chargers and would like to see them lose to the Colts live. Unfortunately it is so difficult to get a ticket that it would be near impossible to go and see this game. Aaron is so excited about getting a Manning jersey and wearing it just to spite the Chargers and all of the Chargers fans that would see him in San Diego on TV. I would just like to go see my beloved team.

Needless to say, if anyone has any tickets they want to get rid of just let us know.

Indiana Observances

Posted by Pink is God's | 6:45 PM | 4 comments »

Here are a few of my many things I have observed about Indiana:

1. Even though the speed limit is 55, 45 is the REAL speed limit.
2. My couch is moist all the time, it's kind of weird! Humidity is fun.
3. Bugs
4. I am going to have a lot of leaves to rake come fall.
5. It seems as though only one car at a time can make it down a road.
6. Flies are HUGE!
7. Papa Murphy's Pizza isn't bad.
8. My neighbors are nice and I think I might know all of them, and I've only been here for a month.
9. It's okay to stop your car in the middle of the road and talk.
10. Football season is even more exciting out here.
11. There is a german shepherd who does his business in my yard everyday, and it's owner doesn't seem to care.
12. My house is awesome, thanks Andy!
13. Hickory Hills Golf Course is really nice and it's a really good price.
14. I have to put my kids swing set up, I don't know how, but I have to put it up. Any volunteers?
15. Shout out to Jess, he is so awesome.
16. Chicken tacos taste great in Indiana too.
17. Eric Brown mowed my lawn, he's the BOMB!
18. Anyone for some cardboard boxes.
19. Tap water tastes pretty good.
20. Kris is a great preacher!
21. Brian and Jamie are cool!
22. I want to be around the Lotts a lot!
23. Aaron, Melissa, and Audrey you guys are welcome at our house anytime, and we have to watch the Bourne's soon. Thanks for the movies.
24. The ladies I work with in the office at the church are fun to laugh with, that makes life good at work.
25. And finally, God is good to me.

Sense and Sensibility

Posted by Pink is God's | 8:16 PM | 3 comments »

(You must read this with your best English accent)

I do suppose that by the worst stroke of ill fated luck I arrived to my estate this night to find my lady and sister viewing a most decrepit piece of cinema known as Sense and Sensibility. Decrepit was the chosen vernaclar because of its slow and deliberate pace involving the lives of two English ladies searching for a love. My thoughts are lost on whether they were in the end hosts to this love. Lost in the story I chose to lose myself into a deep slumber before the entertainment for the evening came to its ultimate conslusion.

Why must fair, lovely, modern ladies fill their senseless minds with such poppy cock. Rubbish, I say! At worst we, the people of the Pinkerton estate, should be entertaining their eyes with such things as Hitch, which in itself has so much love yet so much passion for the comedic arts. Yea, I say, Yea! Being scorned by love should have a much quicker, timely, and gentlemanly conclusion, and when I say gentlemanly what I mean is a piece of cinema with Will Smith and Kevin James, not Dr. House dressed in tight and rufflely English garb.

Gandhi said it best

Posted by Pink is God's | 6:50 PM | 1 comments »

"There is nothing that wastes the body like worry, and one who has any faith in God should be ashamed to worry about anything whatsoever." (Gandhi)

Going into this season of my life you would think that I would know that God is going to take care of me. But yet again today I let worry and doubt creep in. But I guess the good news is that I remembered, I remembered that God brought us to this season and God will provide for this season and now I can just sit back and let God be God. Not that I'm going to stop doing what God has called me to do, that would be foolish!

FFC is starting a building campaign this month and it is a little scarry, I'm not gonna lie. But I know God is going to go before us. Not only that but it has been the BOMB so far this month at the church!!! For those of you who don't know hip Californian lingo, the BOMB is a good thing.

You Twisted My Arm!

Posted by Pink is God's | 4:43 PM | 4 comments »

Too many of you have told me that I "have to" blog, well here it is. We have been absolutely blessed since we have been here in Farmland! People have been too nice to us. And the encouragement we have received from people has been over the top. Thank you for everything!

Blessed is also the word I have to use when talking about this past Sunday's service. God was at work and for that I will absolutely praise Him for. Thank you all of that gave me encouraging words about the worship time. It is amazing what the Holy Spirit can do with all of us when we are in a place to worship Him.

Youth group was great last night, and again we have increased our numbers to 26. Brian, Jamie, and Cari have been phenomonal in showing me the ropes. Thank you guys! The top ten list was a flop but it should be better next week. You may be wondering why Optimus Prime is the picture in this blog, it was #1 on the Top Ten Cartoon Charaters of all time, WORD!