Well a new year's coming and I wanted to start tapping into what this Apple can do so I made a new blog. You can find it here:
Yesterday the teshuva went to "The Greatest Taco Bell in the Whole World" and bowling in New Castle, Indiana. I told everyone that I was going to bowl a 203 and beat the Grime boys but alas my best game was cut short because of a lack of time. I had four strikes and 2 spares in the first seven frames. It was going to be close.
How Marvelous (I Stand Amazed) - Chris Tomlin
I stand amazed in the presence of Jesus the Nazarene,
And wonder how He could love me, a sinner, condemned, unclean.
How marvelous! How wonderful! And my song shall ever be,
How marvelous! How wonderful! Is my Savior·s love for me!
He took my sins and my sorrows, He made them His very own;
He bore the burden to Calvary, and suffered and died alone.
When with the ransomed in glory His face I at last shall see,
Twill be my joy through the ages to sing of His love for me.
"Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior." Habakkuk 3:17-18
I love the way verse 18 is written in the literal:
Yet I, in Jehovah I exult, I do joy in the God of my salvation.
Habakkuk is an interesting little book. Three chapters all dwindling down to joy in Jehovah!
1. Itunes gift cards
Do you just throw your garbage on the ground in public? When was the last time you got through with a wrapper or some other object and decided to just wad it up and throw it on the ground? I honestly can't remember the last time I littered. Not only that but I can't remember watching someone else throw garbage on the ground. Except for one notable exception. Smokers. Why is it that smokers think they can just throw their butts anywhere they want? I just saw it the other day in the Walmart parking lot. A man in his 60s was getting into his car, finished off his cigarette, and then just flicked it on the ground. Why do we stand for this? Why don't we say something? Better yet why don't we as a people everywhere put our foot down and make it known widely that throwing cigarettes on the ground is littering and should not be tolerated? You know this may just be something that I call the news or the papers about. We need this to be taken care of. I assure you that if everyone in the world just started throwing their trash all over the ground that we wouldn't just stand for that. Why do we stand for smokers doing it?
When I think of influence I think of something that pushes me to go one way or another. There can be good influences and there can be bad influences. This is a list of the positive influential people in my life. We may get to a list of the negative influences in another post, but without further ado:
1. Kris Sorensen--I would say what puts him atop this list is his immense love for God and his accessibility. I live within 4 miles of him which is a plus. Kris strives for excellence in everything he does. This influences me to strive for excellence also. I fail far too often but I am striving for excellence more, however hard that is to believe.
2. Jason Morones--My best friend in college, along side Kris, is a man who is a God lover and who has been in youth ministry for the past 11 years. Jason and I talk on the phone regularly and encourage each other in ministry. It's nice having a man of God who has been in youth ministry for so long as a resource. He is also a great speaker and will make a great lead pastor someday. He is content where he is right now as a youth pastor and listens to God direct him. He is in California right now at Rose Drive Friends Church, he is the Jr. High Pastor.
3. Francis Chan--I would call him "a man after God's own heart". There is just a genuineness about him that is undeniable. He wants to please God, period. If we were friends he would definitely be on speed dial. Talking about a great Starbucks run, Kris, Jason, Francis, and myself all sipping on Salted Caramel Hot Chocolates. We could solve all of the world's problems! LOL!
4. Dad--There's just something about dad. There was a time that I looked up to him. I still do but I feel like I can just have a conversation about God or ministry with him now without feeling like I am below him. I can also tell when he talks to me that he's proud of me. That makes me feel good. If my dad and I were to have a difference of opinion about something in ministry it would definitely influence me because of the time I know he's put into knowing God and His word.
5. Steve Fee and Chris Tomlin--These two leading worshippers have taught me a lot about what it means to worship God and about vertical worship. Worship that is directed at telling God how awesome, great, magnificent, and wonderful He is. Sometimes we can get caught up in ourselves and our needs when it comes to "worship". These two gentlemen have a one tract mind when it comes to true worship, GOD!
My sister and I just got through watching this video on Gospel Music Television. I just couldn't help but want to adopt one of these children after watching this video, I hope they have all gotten adopted.
It never fails. Just when you think that you're going to have a great time with family and friends during the holidays the inevitable statement comes: It's time for family pictures. Now this normally wouldn't be that bad except for the fact that for some reason women think they have to become professional photographers, they have to set up some elaborate motif inside or out to get just the perfect picture. The problem is that it's never just one picture.
In my house it becomes a gigantic ordeal, taking up about two hours of our day. From setting up, to object placement, to people placement, to 142 pictures taken, to new group, to another 142 pictures taken, to the next group, to another 142 pictures taken, to object tear down, to previewing the photos, this holiday saga is everything you'd hoped a great Thanksgiving or Christmas would ever be (did you catch the sarcasm in there?).
I would put up a few pictures here for you to peruse but I'm just not in the mood, sorry. There are too many hours "invested" for me to waste anymore time waiting for pictures to load into blogger, I'll let the professional photographer in the family post those ;-)
Chris Tomlin is bring his Hello Love tour to Indy on March 27th at the Conseco Field House. I am getting my tickets on Monday, they cost $29.99. I'm going to get the best seats I can. If you want to go let me know and maybe I can order a bunch of tickets all at the same time. Then we can be buddies and sit together, that is if I'm someone you would want to sit with.
do you remember this?
I think this will be the speech Tony Dungy will be giving after this next Sunday night in San Diego.
Simple: Buy coffee from Ugandan Gold and help build wells in Africa.
I'm the leading worshipper next Sunday (11/23/08) at FFC and I have a slot to fill with our play list. Now a few things I need you to know about before you slap down all of these new songs you want to hear our congregation sing:
Sunday was the day! Will Ryan came into the world and it was such an awesome experience. God was very good to us and we are all at home now. Aaron and Melissa Black brought us dinner tonight and it was delicious. We have been so blessed to have a church family that is so loving and caring for us. Here is a picture hope you enjoy. Will will be making an appearance this week at church so make sure you're there to sneak a peek.
Actually you didn't. If I were like our wonderful friend PK I would have pictures or video of the new youth room since there are new paint colors on the wall. But alas, I am not Pastor Kris and the new youth room is shut down until it is completely done. No pictures, no videos, no tours, no peeks, no anything, don't even think about trying to break in, I am the only one who has keys and it is locked. MuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
Why do we want our nation to be a nation of God but not want the government to do the work of God?
So I made a video with my election prediction on it but for some reason it won't load right. So I'll have to take the time to type it up. Tomorrow I believe that Barack Obama will win the election by 138 electoral votes. I don't say this because I'm particularly glad about that, just making a fun prediction based on where the polls are right now.
Most of you probably are wondering where I've been. And then there are some of you that know where I went to. Either way where should not be the question anymore, we should all just focus on the fact that I'm back and hope that things stay this way. Several things that have happened while I've been away:
The Indianapolis Indians went into the 6th innings without a hit but the game was a hit with the men of Farmland Friends anyway. There were many highlights including, but not limited to:
2. Zach getting handed an actual bat from the Indians clubhouse after the game!
Who cares?!? What in the world are we doing spending $420 million to find ice on Mars? Seriously NASA broke open the champagne when they confirmed that ice had been melted down into water by their insturments they have sent to Mars. Can someone please tell me why this is so important? There has to be some significance I'm just having a hard time understanding what that significance is. Do we think that one day people may be able to live on Mars? Do we think that we may run out of water someday here on Earth and have to go bottle some on Mars? Why in the world with all of the problems we are having financially in this country do we find it necessary to send robots to Mars to discover ice?
Quick, a private jet lands in your backyard and the pilot tells you that you have a two week vacation to anywhere in the world, where do you go?
I was at the corner of the 32 and the 1 today getting some gas at the VP and I watched as cars pulled up to the stop signs there. I was counting how many cars actually stopped, and out of the six I counted the number came to a whopping zero. We are a fast paced society. We can't even come to a complete stop at a stop sign. It does feel weird though making sure you stop all the way at a stop sign when no one else is at that four way stop. Try it next time you're out. Make sure you stop all the way and count to two. It's a really weird feeling. A really weird legal feeling.
I like great wallpaper. We are in St. Louis tonight staying at the Hilton, got a great deal on Priceline, and I noticed they had some great wallpaper in the bathroom. I picked up my Iphone and took a picture and then had a marvelous idea, why don't I make the wallpaper on the wall the wallpaper for my computer screen? So I did. Here is how it looks.
Miley Cyrus: Great Role Model or Compromising Model
Posted by Pink is God's | 9:09 AM | 1 comments »Just sitting watching Miley Cyrus do her thing on the Disney Channel. My daughter has been waiting for this 3-D show for a while now. I think she's a great entertainer. I'm wondering about one thing, where's she going to go? What happens when she really grows up? I'm a little worried. My daughter really likes Hannah Montana. As Sidney grows up I don't think that's going to get any weaker, if anything it'll get stronger. What's Miley's next move? Will she continue to do relatively harmless entertainment like her TV show, concerts, and TV rock concerts, or will she lead a generation of girls down a slippery slope. There may be a time as a dad where I have to put the preverbial breaks on and let Sidney know that she can't watch good ole Miley anymore. I'm sure I will find a way to do it in a loving way but that will be a sad day.
Here's what I see happening:
Miley continues to do her show for the next couple of years.
She does her concerts.
Then she ventures into a show like the new 90210 and compromises a little bit at a time.
Then as she moves into her mid 20's she gets offered a show like Sex in the City and the offer is just a little too good to pass up. (She was a fan of Sex in the City)
Eventually she starts doing some risque movies.
By the age of 30 the compromise is complete and she has taken a group of girls along for the ride.
I really hope this isn't the case, I need to start praying for Miley Cyrus. If she can make it through the pressures and garbage of the entertainment and be a great role model all the way through I would have to stand up and cheer. Until then I'll have to keep watching.
(Normally I like doing these things, except the lawn and the pushups, but there are some days...")
I didn't want to blog today. Then I started thinking about the last time I got into that cycle, and I decided to push through...
I didn't want to mow the lawn today, then I started thinking about the last time I got into that cycle, and I decided to push through...
I didn't want to take a walk today, then I started thinking about the last time I got into that cycle, and I decided to push through...
I didn't want to read my Bible today then I started thinking about the last time I got into that cycle, and then I decided to push through...
I didn't want to do pushups today then I started thinking about the last time I got into that cycle, and then I decided to push through...
I didn't want to pray today then I started thinking about the last time I got into that cycle, and then I decided to push through...
Up to 25 pushups now. I like the way my muscles work with pushups, as long as I let them recover it seems like I will do more the next time.
I'm becoming more and more convinced that governmental agencies are just a way for us to build our national debt.
"Investigators still don't know what caused the salmonella outbreak, which now has sickened 1,220 people in 42 states — the earliest falling ill on April 10 and the latest so far on July 4.
But Thursday's move, coming as the tomato industry estimates its losses at more than $100 million, doesn't mean that tomatoes harvested in the spring are cleared. It just means that the tomatoes in fields and stores today are safe to eat, said Dr. David Acheson, the Food and Drug Administration's food safety chief.
'This is not saying that anybody was absolved,' Acheson said. But, 'as of today, FDA officials believe that consumers may now enjoy all types of fresh tomatoes available without concern of becoming infected with salmonella Saintpaul,' the outbreak strain.
Early on, there was good evidence linking certain raw tomatoes to the sick, Acheson stressed. Yet inspectors haven't found the outbreak strain of salmonella Saintpaul on any farms, in suspect areas of south Florida and parts of Mexico, where they've managed to trace tomatoes thought to have been eaten by patients."
Now just a few thoughts.
1. Why haven't they found what caused the salmonella outbreak? Isn't there job to pin point these things and ease American's minds so that the tomato industry doesn't lose $100 million?
2. It's difficult to pin point an out break but it's crucial for weak Americans that as the FDA announces an outbreak they are sure they can find it and fix the situation. There are plenty of people right now in America that aren't going to eat tomatoes again because they think they're going to die tomorrow if they get salmonella. We will destroy tomatoes farmers over a tummy ache. No one died from this "OUTBREAK". In Israel people have to deal with bus bombs going off but people are still riding the busses. Here in America the FDA announces, "Salmonella runs rampant, the outbreak has infected 1,220!" And people run like there are bombs dropping from the sky!
3. Why are we like this? We're spoiled. We can't handle a tummy ache. I'm convinced we get a little salmonella pretty regularly. The FDA gets wind of some cases that are localized and they almost destroy farmers all over the country.
People, do me a favor, go to the store and buy a few more tomatoes than you would normally buy and make some salsa. I guess it's up to us to make sure that the FDA doesn't bankrupt farmers and the tomato industry here in America. I'm not kidding go buy tomatoes!
Did you hear we're going to the Indianapolis Indians baseball game on August 1st, my birthday? Here is a picture of the tickets and they are great seats, just past third base. All males who want to join us are welcome. We will leave at 4:00 from the church, I like to get to baseball games early to catch a batting practice ball or two. Tickets are $11.00, what a bargain! I will release tickets when money is given, in other words give me your money and you will get your tickets. No money, no tickets! I have 25 tickets, actually 23 after Lucas and I bought ours, so get them while they are hot!
Taking a break from my cynical, editorial, negative self to brag about my boy! For the past two years I've been teaching him about what it means to be a gentleman. Things like opening doors, letting the ladies go first in line, and not giving up. For some reason those are three things I think a gentleman does, I'm sure there are many more. Anyway the other day I realized he was opening doors for his mom and sister. Nobody told him to. I just watched, calmly pulled out my phone, and took a picture. He asked me what I was doing and I just told him I wanted a picture of him. I love him. I really, really love him. And now I'm crying.
What things do you think of when you think of a gentleman?
That is one of my best friends numbers (Eric Pearcy)! It is also how many pushups I did today! I'm feeling pretty proud, as I should! PK did 45 in a row in front of me last week, I have a long way to go!
Coaching is not a job for the meek. There really is one thing that above all is important in coaching, and no it's not knowledge, although that helps. Confidence is what separates lousy coaches from great coaches. Don't get me wrong it's important to know the sport you're coaching, but you can have all the knowledge in the world and if you don't have confidence your team will go no where.
I'm going through a weak time right now, when it comes to my coaching and leadership ability. I'm finding that I keep second guessing myself about everything. It's starting to affect my confidence which isn't good. Luckily I have this blog to help me think this through.
What people yearn for in a leader is to believe. What I mean is if you have the right kind of confidence, not arrogant or proud, people will believe in you, and start to believe in themselves. Eventually this turns into a group of people who will believe that they can accomplish what they never have accomplished before. This should be the goal of any coach, to begin to accomplish things that were never thought possible.
This doesn't mean that we should look at winning as everything. Occasionally there will be teams that will win every game they play but not accomplish what there goal should have been, something beyond winning. Following this line it is possible that a team that loses every game accomplishes something that it never had accomplished before, and I do mean something positive that feeds confidence.
Generally speaking working smart is the key to confidence. When the coach works smart it builds his or her confidence and that confidence feeds into the other coaches and players of that team. Which causes them to work hard to carry out the mission. To work smart means to use your time effectively and get as much out of your time as possible. You will also get as much work out of your players when you work smart during practices. Have a plan.
So there you have it, the two things I would say make up coaching 101: Confidence and Working Smart.
I had one today. The kind of day when you feel like you either did everything wrong, or you knit-picked yourself to death? It's days where everything comes easy that produces days like this for me. I start to get comfortable and then, WHAM! I get blindsided. I'm gonna have to pray about this.
I need to be in a constant state of disorientation (thanks Wes). In that state I have a harder time messing up because I'm in a heightened state of awareness. You would think it would be the other way around, but I find I have a greater sense of ease when I'm disoriented because I know I will probably suck! It's like the pressure's off, and things usually turn out not all that bad.
When I start to think I've got everything figured out, now that's when I really suck!
I was in Target yesterday, because I like Target, but also because I didn't want to go all the way to Walmart. I guess that was a mistake. I needed some water balloons for youth group. I mosied, that's right, mosied, back to the toy section and looked for a while but couldn't find any water balloons. I then located an associate and asked where they kept there water balloons, he looked at me and told me that they didn't have any. I then asked if that meant they were out or they just didn't carry water balloons. He told me that they weren't carrying them because they were now putting out there back to school stuff.
I thought...
It's July 12th and they've decided to forfeit three quarters of the summer to put out back to school items a month and a half before school starts? I'm confused! My kids just got out of school, right? When are we supposed to buy water balloons? I guess Target figures that everyone buys all the water balloons they're gonna need in June.
Fortunately I was able to find water balloons at Toys R Us and Walmart, a lot of them. Sorry Target, I like you, but there's some bad publicity for ya.
I started doing push ups again today. Unfortunately it's been so long since I've done any strength training that I could only do 15 in a row. Of course having been a PE teacher for a few years I've had to teach how to do a proper push up. So here is the challenge, how many "proper" push ups can you do in a row. I know that most of you can do far more than 15 in a row, but I will be working on that number. So although it's embarassing it's a way that I can push myself to be stronger and get fit. Once a week I will update you on my progress, if I don't get onto me.
We have a program at our church called scrip. You can go to this site and learn all about it. Basically people order money cards to various stores, eateries, etc. and we get a percentage back for the teshuva. Just to give you an example, if you buy $100 worth of Walmart we get $2, if you buy $100 worth of Texas Roadhouse we get $8, if you buy $100 worth of Marathon (VP) we get $3, etc. Every business is a little bit different but it is all essentially free money. You put out $100 for a Walmart card and you get a $100 card to spend, we just get $2. Sounds easy right?!? Well you need to start helping us! Just start out small, we all need gas, some of us have gas, but we all need gas, just see Kimberly Harris at the end of the church service to order some gas cards. Don't worry you won't get any blue flame gas cards, you can order gasoline cards from just about every gasoline company you can think of. So why not hook a brother and a youth group up! We will love you for it!
New Technorati Rankings:
Authority 18
I need some kind of break through to get into the top 100,000. The good news is, for the moment, I am ahead of this guy. Oh shoot! He's probably ahead of me now! Nothing like shooting yourself in the foot!
My grandfather passed away 20 years ago. I always thought of him as "the man". He just had this way about him, he was just suave. He had something else going for him also, he was a Spaniard. There's just something about that word, Spaniard, that just drips with suave. He was a man in my life that I thought was seriously smooth.
I was young when he died and unfortunately I didn't get to spend a lot of time with him. Recently I have been having memories of him wearing a fedora. This led me to wanting to get a fedora hoping that it would make me half as smooth as he was. Last Thursday, after a month long search I finally found the fedora for me. I put it on and I just knew it was my style and my Grandfather Julian would look so good in it. I purchased it.
I got home and I called my mom and started to tell her about my hat and she asked what a fedora was. I explained that it was the kind of hat grandpa used to wear and she commented that grandpa never wore hats. I was so bummed. Either I just imagined him in a fedora, or I thought that he would've looked great in one. I guess either way my fedora reminds me of my Grandfather Julian. I guess it's a little odd having a memory of something that never happened, or something reminding me of someone that there was never a conection made with, but I don't mind. Whenever I throw on my fedora I will think of Julian Diego, Senor Suave, and I will ask my friends to call me Julian, after all what better nickname is there to call a man in a fedora.
If you haven't heard I think we are going to set a Farmland record in August. On 888 (August 8th, 2008) there will be 13 bands rocking out at the church. The show will be from approximately 2:30 in the afternoon to about 10:30 at night. I want to make sure everyone knows about this show because it will be so absolutely brilliant you won't want to miss it. Everyone is welcome, there will be amazing music, great food, fellowship, and a bunch of bands to meet and hang out with. Tickets are $10 for anyone besides teshuva members (Jr. High and Sr. High are free as long as they are regulars in the teshuva), kids under Jr. High are $5, and kids 5 and under are free. There'll be a concession stand that won't be overpriced. Bands will have their merchandise at the event if you'd like a t-shirt, cd, picture, or buttons. I'm sure they will be more than happy to sign anything you buy or anything you bring, like an autograph book or if you'd like them to sign a program. Here is a list of the bands that will be attending:
I've been wondering recently what to do about the growing sense that homosexuality is just something the world should accept. I've also been wondering what to believe, myself, about the way God would want me to respond to the growing pressures of this sin. The Bible is clear about homosexuality being a sin and the fact that God hates it:
"Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God." 1 Corinthians 6:9-10
I like the next verse though:
"Such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God." v. 11
I like the statement that people have been in sin, including homosexuality, and now they have been "washed". Some of the people in this church Paul was writing to were homosexual and they repented (teshuva) to God and were washed.
Here is another section of scripture:
"But we know that the Law is good, if one uses it lawfully, realizing the fact that law is not made for a righteous person, but for those who are lawless and rebellious, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers and immoral men and homosexuals and kidnappers and liars and perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to sound teaching, according to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, with which I have been entrused." 1 Timothy 1:9-11
Some will say that these verses lump a lot of things in and that you can't talk about one without talking about the others. The simple fact of the matter is there is not one thing in these verses that I would want in my life. Are there any of these things that anyone would ever try to make me feel good about except homosexuality. There's the trap, we are starting to be fed that homosexuality is just another way of life, it is not, it is a sin and it is lumped in with, lying, perjury, kidnapping, murder, killing your father and mother, fornicating, idolatry, stealing, adultry, alcoholism, and coveting. Actually I have misspoken earlier, recently adultry and coveting have been praised and looked highly upon, take for instance Desperate Housewives, one show that makes both adultry and coveting look glamorous.
The key words in the 1 Corinthians passage are "do not be deceived". We are being deceived if we think that adultry, coveting, or homosexuality are not sins and should be considered the norm for our society. Quotes like "we live in a different culture", "they lived in a differnt culture", "truth is relative", or "God has changed His mind about the subject" can only be considered being deceived.
So what do I do now? How do I approach the subject of homosexuality in a society that is growing ever more deceived. This is a tough call. Society as a whole would typically look negatively at kidnapping, murder, stealing, even still adultry and alcoholism. It isn't a problem calling these things wrong, negative, or even a sin. The problem begins with our outlook on homosexuality when people start saying it is just the choice of the individual and if it feels right to them they should be able to live that "alternative lifestyle". Homosexuality is difficult to stand up against because society isn't willing to label it as wrong although there are many that are uncomfortable with it. That discomfort is the remnant of God's image in people.
When it comes to my role as a Christian in the world I should be a light and a lover of God. This means that I should be able to call a sin a sin and let the Holy Spirit work through me to love any person on earth. Murderers, theives, idolaters, alcoholics, homosexuals, etc. should all be loved by people who claim Christ. Loving people includes pointing them to God and away from sin. I will not be popular to many. I will be someone who loves regardless if I am popular. I will believe God's Word, even if that makes me unpopular. I will be someone who loves regardless if I am popular. At least I will try.
What can I say, I'm in the Fourth of July spirit of eating contests. In this edition The Eric Brown took on Sari Lott for the Pickle Eating Trophy. Sari was trying to make it a family sweep, which I'm sure would have made Cari and Dwayne proud, but she came up short to The Eric Brown. Eric ate the entire jar of pickles in a speedy 3:32. All-in-all the eating contests in the teshuva tonight went off without one spew, don't forget "turn and spew, turn and spew!"
The First Innagural Hot Dog Eating Competition was held in the teshuva tonight. The two challengers were Kyle Parkison against Brighton Lott. It was a close contest with Brighton coming out on top with 8 hot dogs in 4:45, an impressive number and time. Brighton earned his nickname tonight, KOBAYASHI!
I went into Lowe's today to buy myself a 50 pound sandbag. I asked one person where they carried sandbags and, I kid you not, she pointed in two different directions, and so I went one of the directions hoping I guessed right. I didn't. Then I asked someone else and they said that they carried them in Lawn and Garden, so I went there. No luck. I then asked someone in Lawn and Garden about where to find a sandbag and they said they didn't carry them. I said, "What!?!" He said, "I had a gentleman come in last week for some and I found out we don't carry them." I said, "This is Lowe's right?" He said, "Yeah, it does seem crazy that we wouldn't carry sandbags." He then told me to look at Tractor Supply. I thanked him and left with my tops soil.
I'm starting this new strength gaining program and all I need is a 50 pound bag of sand. Why is this so hard?!?
50 pound sand bag
meat cleaver
leg warmers
juicy fruit
stocking cap
gun powder
student Bibles
Reese's Puffs Cereal
32' flat panel TV
I was trying to come up with something to blog about today that wasn't your usual July 4th stuff, although I love the fact that I live in a free country like America. About an hour ago I sat back and thought, "I got nothin'"! Then we walked into our home from grocery and fireworks shopping and the phone rang. Sidney picked it up and she didn't say much of anything, I was about to tell Sidney to say hello but I then realized what was going on, so I grabbed the phone out of her hand and said, "Hello! It's the Fourth of July! You need to tell your boss that it's a National Holiday and you need the day off!" When I paused there was dead silence at the other end. She had hung up. I was pleasant enough, I don't know what went wrong. I guess the telemarketer on the other end needed to move onto the next July 4th victim.
How do you deal with telemarketers? I tend to take a more aggressive approach. Telemarketers are trained to start talking and not stop until they get their whole shpleele out. I politely interrupt them, once I realize what is going on, and say something like, "No thank you." and then I hang up. I must spend a total of about 10 seconds actually with the phone to my ear. It's worked effectively for me for many years. Try it, you'll like it. I actually learned it from my mom. Thanks Mom!
"Remember what I advised you to do: Think about God as often as you can, day and night, in everything you do. He is always with you. Just as you would be rude if you deserted a friend who is visiting you, why would you be disrespectful of God by abandoning His presence?
Do not forget Him! Think of Him often. Adore him ceaselessly. Live and die with Him. That is the real business of Christians; in a word it is our profession. If we do not know it, we must learn it. I will pray for you." brother Lawrence
Okay, I want you to dig deep and tell me what words come to your mind when you think of the word prayer. I'm using this as my research for my next youth talks so help a brother out. Just tell me the first thoughts that come to your mind. Or tell me what feelings prayer emotes, well maybe that's the wrong word to use, to emote means to express exagerated emotion. What deep down feeling do you have about prayer that you don't normally talk about. We are all human. Some of my feelings are: "What if I've sinned recently, why would God want to listen?", "I am so small and I don't have big enough words to be talking to God.", "I just don't remember to, I suck!", "If God wants to talk maybe He should start!", "Why should I pray for that, I'm not God and can't change anything?". Maybe it's all positive like, "God gives me peace when I pray.", "I am in constant prayer with God!", "It took me some time but I feel like I have a real relationship with God because of prayer.".
Anyway there are some examples of what I'm talking about, maybe it's a phrase or just a word. Please tell me what you think.
Wall-e is a mixed bag. I don't usually like movies with a socio-political agenda, and believe me this movie has one, but I actually liked where it went. Giving away, or someone giving away, the plot of a movie is unethical in my opinion so I will refrain from such. I will say that this movie was kept clean and kids and adults alike can enjoy.
Going to see Well-e with the kids tonight while Tonya goes out with the ladies. Check back later tonight for the review. Let's hope Disney hits a homerun for kids that is also witty enough for adults, without being too adult. It looks like it's rated G so here's hoping.
I'm reading this book by brother Lawrence right now. I don't know why I've never read it, it is a classic. But so far a couple of quotes have struck me:
"Brother Lawrence insisted that, to be constantly aware of God's presencs, it is necessary to form the habit of continually talking with Him throughout each day."
"When he was troubled by something, he seldom consulted anyone about it. Knowing only that God was present, he walked in the light of faith and was content just to lose himself in God's love no matter what happened. There, in God's love, he would find himself again."
It is weird hearing someone talk like this. But the more I'm reading the more I'm convinced that relying completely on the presence of God in my life is the way I must do things. This is what the men of God in the Bible were so great at, dwelling in the presence of God.
Wimbledon: The Fortnight that Makes Me Want to Play!
Posted by Pink is God's | 8:30 AM | 7 comments » I've been watching some Wimbledon this morning and I've been thinking about my racket. I do have a nice tennis racket and I do like to swing it hard! You know those sports that you watch that just make you want to go out right then a play, well tennis is one of those sports for me. Some other sports that make me want to play when I watch them include: Golf, Soccer, and Volleyball. Which sport do you watch that make you want to play?
I tried this rub the other day and it was absolutely amazing. I never quite got the whole, "this marinade/rub brings out the flavor of the meat" thing until I tried this rub. At first I was questioning the idea of ginger on my steak and then I tried it, mmmmmm steak! You do not, I repeat do not need steak sauce after fixing your steak like this!
1 teaspoon ginger
1 teaspoon seasoning salt
1/2 teaspoon salt (optional)
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
2 tablespoons worcestershire sauce
1. Lightly sprinkle first side of 3 or 4 steaks (prefer boneless ribeyes, but your choice) with dry seasonings.
2. Sprinkle worcestershire sauce over steaks and lightly rub in with finger tips.
3. Flip steak and repeat.
4. Allow to sit for 10 to 15 min while grill warms up.
You want to know the biggest difference between myself and a golfer as great as Tiger Woods? Chipping. I think I have always known this but I just finally admitted it to myself today while I was on the practice green.
I know many of you have never watched golf on television but let me tell you what happens when Tiger or just about any other professional golfter gets to within 45 yards of the green, well, um, they chip it to within about 2-5 feet of the hole. You know what I do? I hit it to within 5-30 feet. Let me just tell tell you what the difference is between those two: Well considering I hit only about 5 greens a round that means I'm chipping a lot. So I miss 13 greens, which means I'm chipping thirteen times. If, on average, I am still 10 feet away I'm probably two putting which means that I probably will have at least 10 more strokes than the pros in a round, just because of my chipping!
Tiger Woods hit 71% of all the greens he went at last year, but when he missed he chipped to within about 3 feet. Consider me only hitting about 20% of all of the greens I go at, I then chip to within 7 feet on average, at best, and then I two putt. Oh, did I mention Tiger hits about every club 100 yards farther than I do. That helps him a little as well.
There it is, I am doomed on the golf course!
Took the advice and caught some Mancino's today for lunch. Was pleasantly surprised with the experience all around. We entered and were greeted by the hostess and were told that we had to order and then be seated. We asked if we could take a menu to our table and were granted our wish. After much deliberation I went to the hostess to order and pay. The meal for my family came to $26, this included a 16' pizza, five bread sticks, and four drinks. Not a horrible price but not a great price either. At the register I asked if they had any deals or family specials and they told me, politely, "No". This was an unfortunate set back on an otherwise pleasant visit.
Where can I find a great pizza? It seems that in this part of the world, the midwest, there is a lack of great pizza. I could tell you of about 5 great pizza places in Escondido. I know I worked at one but I still knew that there were others such as Filippi's Pizza Grotto, Bruno's, and Soprano's all kind of going the Italian route. There are, of course, other types of pizza as well like New York style and Chicago deep dish style. So I pose the question to anyone who know's of a great pizza place in Indiana. Where can I get a great pizza? Sorry Pizza Hut, Pizza King, Domino's, and Papa John's you just don't cut it as a great pizza place. So don't even go there, it probably has to be a hole-in-the-wall place that I would have never heard of before. Round Table is really the only pizza chain I have ever truly enjoyed.
The quote of the night was:
"Hey look gas prices are down to $4.03!"
Imagine that, "down to $4.03!" What a pathetic creature we are. Isn't it amazing how the gas companies work their magic. You know how it goes, one day gas is at $1.95, the next day it's at $2.15, and then about a week latter it settles at $2.05 and we say:
"Hey look gas prices are down to $2.05!"
You know how it goes, one day gas is at $2.95, the next day it's at $3.15, and then about a week later it settles at $3.05 and we say:
"Hey look gas prices are down to $3.05!"
And it happened again today.
"You are getting very sleepy, sleepy, sleepier, sleepier...You are asleep. You will now wake up after I count to three and any gas prices we charge is what you will pay. Your government officials will do nothing because they are experiencing Quantum Brain Hypnosis, they will call several of us high salaried gas company executives to Washington to question us and we will use our powers of Quantum Brain Hypnosis to melt their minds. Your local officials will do nothing because, let's face it, they will look at your federal government officials and say if they can't do anything neither can we. And best of all you will do nothing because you alone cannot overcome the power of Quantum Brain Hypnosis! One...Two...Three! You're awake!
As you can see we have made a few changes. I hope you enjoy the new look and what this new blog brings to your computer. There will be further changes made over the next week or so, to the banner among other things. Please be patient as I discover my new identity. I need to thank Special K for making this new look a reality, without him I would still be ugly blog man! No wise cracks Kris!
I wanted to say also that this blog will probably read a little differently in the coming months as well. I'm shooting for something a little less diary and a little more editorial. In the past I've mixed a little of both but I will hopefully be leaning toward the editorial and inspirational, I know those don't sound like they mix, and they probably don't, but you will just have to wait and see how I fashion my words.
Anyway, enjoy, disagree, agree, talk smack, laugh, cry, don't curse at the screen, hit me when you see me instead, and anything else within reason. I will be very opinionated and you will either love it or hate it, I'm cool with that. Start off by telling me what you think of my new look, I think it's fabulous, that's why I picked it out.
My favorite perfomance in American Idol History!
The day's only half over and I've gotten a days worth accomplished, with Brian Cline's help. Today was the D-day for the pool in our backyard.
10:00-10:15--Before Brian got here I sprayed around the house for spiders which is something we've been needing to do for a while, I'm guessing we have killed about 15 spiders over the past week and a half.
10:45-12:15--Brian got here and we tore the pool to shreds in about an hour and a half. Brian had a good time, and I had a good time watching him.
12:15-1:15--Chicken Taco open house. I started making tacos for the Clines and my family and Aaron Black showed up to see if we needed any more help and I said, "We need some help eating chicken tacos!", so Aaron got to experience his first chicken taco. About a half hour later Dwayne and Cari Lott showed up and D-wa had a chicken taco for the first time as well. Cari declined, I write this so that some of you can give her a hard time about turning down chicken tacos.
1:30-2:00--Got that pesky problem figured out with our wireless internet. Actually Brian got that pesky problem figured out with our wireless internet. Isn't it nice having brilliant friends, that are really strong, have tools like saws that are amazingly effective to tear things up, and can solve all computer problems.
2:00-5:00--Resting before I go to Prince Caspian with the teshuva. Also swept out the garage and cleaned up the front of the house a little. Grass mowing will take place before I leave for Branson on Wednesday.
Tracey Kisha and Mia tagged Amy - Amy tagged Tricia - Tricia tagged Tammy - Tammy tagged Kris-and Kris tagged Me
1. What were you doing 10 years ago?
Getting married to the love of my life! Building my first empire.
2. What are 5 things on your "To Do" list?
1. Graduation gifts
2. Call the theater about the price of tickets for youth group
3. Buy a mower
4. Call Wynn and ask him how much he wants for the garage in the back of his hotel.
5. Kiss my kids before they go to bed tonight
3. What are 5 snacks I enjoy.
1. Pop Tarts
2. Soy Cracker things from Trader Joe's
3. Popcorn
4. Zingers
5. Shrimp cocktail
4. Name some things you would do if you were a millionaire.
Buy a private plane and hire a pilot (assuming I was a multi-millionaire). We want to be comfortable as a church flying to our mission trips. I could also fly all kinds of missionaries to and from their mission fields. Not to mention going and seeing our Compassion kids.
Fix up our house and buy it from Andy. Put in a fire place, central air, tile in the backyard, etc.
Give a raise to my staff.
Get a golf membership to the nicest golf course within 30 miles.
Buy my wife a Honda Odyssey with a video player for my kids.
5. Name some places where you have lived.
Norwalk, California
Riverside, California
Escondido, California
Las Vegas, NV
Haviland, Kansas
Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
Temecula, California
Rancho Bernardo, California
Farmland, Indiana
6. Name some bad habits you have.
I eat snacks too late at night.
Breaking Bones.
I don't eat breakfast.
I am messy.
7. Name some jobs you have had.
Pizza maker
Pizza deliverer
Pizza manager
Newspaper delivery
Casino Tycoon
And I'm not tagging anyone because my friends have already been tagged and have already done this exhaustive exercise!

(This blog is not endorsing or defaming any candidate, it is just bringing to the table logic.)
To: Hillary Rodham Clinton
From: James Douglas Pinkerton
Date: 5/8/8
There are many reasons for you to move on from this election, and below I will outline, as an independent U.S. citizen, why you should step aside at this point in your candidacy.
1. We have far too many problems right now in this country for you to be making us pay attention to you.
2. There is no way, apart from a full blown civil war, that you will receive this nomination. Why are you sinking your money into this when you could be helping people recover in other parts of the world from natural disasters or hunger.
3. You have said many times that Barack Obama and you share similar ideas and that you are fighting for the same things. Why not step back and support him 100% with your husband. This would ensure a Democrat in the White House next year.
4. If no one else will say it I will, there is no way you are going to win a general election against a war hero while we are in the midst of this war in Iraq. You have been far to hokey-pokey on the war matter. It would better suit you to wait for this war to be over and to be running against another opponent.
5. I keep hearing on television that you keep winning the "uneducated" vote, those people who do not have a college degree, by a wide margin. Obama is winning the "educated" vote by a wide margin. Shouldn't you be taking this as a hint?
6. Mathematically it is illogical for you to win the nomination. If Obama drops out, or something terrible were to happen to him, you would be the nominee, even if you had dropped out previously. The DNC would make that happen.
7. You have more than enough material from this battle to write your next book and make the money back you've spent on this campaign. And what does it mean, you loaned your campaign money, the only way you'll get that money back is if you raise the money you need for your campaign, and then some to pay yourself back.
8. You keep complaining about the fact that Obama is out spending you sometimes 5 to 1. Shouldn't this be taken as a hint as well? He has more money because he has raised more money, which means more people want to give him money, which means more people want him to spend more money. Wow! It's hard to hear you talk about how much more money he has to spend than you. You sound like a fool.
9. You need to go take care of your people in New York.
10. We need to get to the issues, and that will happen once you step aside. McCain and Obama will have the tough discussions and we will listen. Until you step aside we will not hear the discussion.
So I pulled the trigger today. I redeemed one of my free airplane tickets to take me to my home planet. I will be in Southern California next week at this time. Here are the top ten things I will be doing in my home state.
1. Attending a Laker playoff game.
2. Sun bathing at Del Mar.
3. Eating at In & Out.
4. Blogging from fabulous locations so that Special K will be informed.
5. Round Table Pizza
6. Disneyland!!! My family just renewed their passes.
7. Going to Francis Chan's Church, Cornerstone Church.
8. Hanging with my kids at ECS.
9. Seaport Villiage
10. Maybe get a Dodger game in.
"So come on and sing out
let our anthem grow loud,
there is one great love,
there is one great love,
I'm going to rant for a minute! And forgive me all of you who are musical blog lovers. My wife has music on her blog, she's hot, and I love her, but we just don't see eye to eye on this one. If you think you know what's coming and are going to take offense just look away.
I hate musical blogs! I love all of you but I hate switching over to a blog and all of a sudden, BLAM, loud music. I think I jump every time, and I never get used to it. Sometimes I don't go to certain blogs because I've learned that I'm just going to be lambasted with noise pollution.
I know that we are all different and blogs are for voicing our opinions, and for some of you your music, and so I'm sharing my opinion about musical blogs. Again, I love you, don't love the music so much! And you know I love music!
I went to the Apple Store today in Castleton and I was shocked by what happened. You see a couple of weeks ago I broke the glass face of my IPhone and I looked into what it would take to get it fixed. It wasn't broken to the point that I couldn't use it but it was cracked none the less, and it just looked ugly. After much research I found there was no fixing it and that I would have to pay $199 for a new IPhone. What a bummer. Some of the things I read on the internet were:
"Just go into Apple and tell them that the face cracked on its own, but whatever you do don't tell them that you dropped it, that's not covered by the warranty." In other words, LIE!
I decided that I was not going to lie, so I went into the store and I met with a man named Justin. Justin asked me what happened and I told him my story. I didn't ask for a new phone, I just asked him what I should do and how much it was going to cost me. He let me know that it would be $199 and that I would receive a brand new phone if I chose to do that but he also said that he had a friend who had done the same thing to her phone and had just put a protective covering over it and it was fine. I mentioned that one of the reasons that I had the phone was because it was very useful to me and it was a good looking phone. He then excused himself and went to the back room for a moment. After about 5 minutes away he came back and said, "I'm gonna give you a new one." I said, "What!?!" And he proceeded to tell me that he appreciated my honesty and he had talked to his manager and they would just give me a new phone. I was floored! I then thanked him profusely and he went back to get the new phone and set it up. I then walked over and grabbed a protective case for my new phone. No more cracks for me.
I had actually had a discussion with some of the people in the church office about how I was going to go into Apple and lecture them about how they fix things for liars but they punish those who tell the truth. After talking to Justin for a while I didn't feel the need to lecture. We just talked about the situation and he came up with a solution, a great solution! I didn't have to tell Apple to reward honesty, they just did! What a great blessing. So kudos to Apple and their employees. I am a believer. Next computer purchase will be an Apple.
"Glory to God, Glory to God, Glory to God FOREVER!"
"Now the tax collectors and 'sinners' were all gathering around to hear him. But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered, 'This man welcomes sinners and eats with them." Luke 15:1-2 "One thing that makes us distinctly different." Reggie Joiner on what should make us different as the church
"Treat every prodigal like a loving father would treat his own son." Reggie Joiner
"I want to walk away saying, 'That was God!!!'" Francis Chan (And we did!)
"Is there anything you want more than God saying, 'Well Done!'" Francis Chan
"What do you hope in?" Donald Miller
"Leaders speak something into nothing." Donald Miller
"Pray to have God fill in the gaps at work not at home." Andy Stanley
"There is nobody He can't be 'IS' to." Louie Giglio
Let me just ask this one question: When are gas prices going to get too high for us to be able to afford gas? Is there any limit to what we can afford? Okay, I'm sorry, that's two questions. I remember back in 1998 driving through Oklahoma and seeing gas, are you ready for this, at $.69/gallon! I'm not lying. I stopped and bought some because I wanted to say at one point in my life to my grandchildren, (speak out loud in your best old person voice) "I remember when gas was $.69 a gallon!" What are our kids going to say when they become grandparents, (again in your best old person voice) "I remember when gas was $5.95 a gallon!"?
So in the comment section below please tell us what is the highest you think you would pay for gallon of gasoline. I'll tell you what, I'm glad I'm not delivery driving anymore!
Is he a politician or the anti-politician?
He claims to be against what politics are today and talks about developing a new Washington. Why is he a democrat? If he was truly wanting to change Washington why shouldn't he be an independent or have no affiliation. The Answer: He knows that if he was independent then he wouldn't be in the race, hence he's a democrat, a member of one of the major political parties meaning he can raise the money and have the backing of a large percentage of Americans. And so the conclusion; he is a politician who is posing as the anti-politician to get the votes of the establishment and the non-establishment.
Verdict: Sounds like the greatest politician (if he pulls it off) that I've ever seen or heard of.
Is he a Christian or Muslim?
I just don't believe it is possible for him to be Muslim. Our current US media is too intrusive for this to be possible. Connections would run too deep for him to be Muslim, pose as a Christian, and go through a Presidential election without anyone getting enough of a sniff that he truly was Muslim and is pulling off the greatest political terrorist coup in the history of the world.
Verdict: He is Christian.
Is he Patriotic or Un-Patriotic?
Because he doesn't wear a flag pin or salute the flag during the national anthem? I don't salute the flag during the national anthem. Why? I choose during the pledge of allegiance and the national anthem to pray for our world. Does that make me unpatriotic? Maybe? The fact remains that it is not against the law to not salute the flag (coughing sound while saying Idolatry). You also can't take one video of him not saluting the flag and say that he never salutes the flag. I have heard that he has led the pledge in the Senate, with his hand over his heart. Here are the only qualifications for being the President of the United States:
You have to be a natural-born US Citizen (a citizen from birth - but not necessarily born in the USA, which is a common misconception).
You have to be at least 35 years of age.
You have to reside in the US for at least 14 years.
I think there is a portion of society who are making a false case about Obama because they don't want to see a man who is black and liberal in the White House. People lie. Then they find anything they can to back up their lie. In other words people don't want to see Barack Obama as President so they find a video where he's not saluting the flag, or they say he's a Muslim, or they say his dad was Muslim, or they say his brother is Muslim, or they show a video of him down in Kenya in traditinal Kenyan dress, all of this is fear mongering and nothing more than racism, republican hate (I was a Republican for 34 years, now an independent), or religious hostility (when he has said nothing but he is Christian).
Verdict: It doesn't matter. If he is perceived as being un-patriotic it should hurt his run for president. If he is deemed patriotic by the masses then it should help his run for the presidency. I think he is patriotic since he is running for president. People are getting confused because of his dissatisfaction with our system today. They say that if he isn't proud of our country than he is un-patriotic, I look at it as being the highest form of patriotism, to care enough, to go through what he is going through, to see America elevate it's status in the world.
Is he an elitist?
Of course he's an elitist. Aren't all politicians? Here is the definition of elitism taken from Wikipedia: Elitism is the belief or attitude that those individuals who are considered members of the elite — a select group of people with outstanding personal abilities, intellect, wealth, specialized training or experience, or other distinctive attributes — are those whose views on a matter are to be taken the most seriously or carry the most weight; whose views and/or actions are most likely to be constructive to society as a whole; or whose extraordinary skills, abilities or wisdom render them especially fit to govern [1]. I sure hope he's an elite.
Verdict: Elitist